Notice: Undefined index: name in _update_process_info_list() (line 181 of C:\rnd\proprietary\\modules\update\
The installed version of at least one of your modules or themes is no longer supported. Upgrading or disabling is strongly recommended. See the project homepage for more details. See the available updates page for more information and to install your missing updates.
Notice: Undefined index: name in system_sort_modules_by_info_name() (line 909 of C:\rnd\proprietary\\modules\system\
Notice: Undefined index: name in system_sort_modules_by_info_name() (line 909 of C:\rnd\proprietary\\modules\system\
Notice: Undefined index: name in system_sort_modules_by_info_name() (line 909 of C:\rnd\proprietary\\modules\system\
Notice: Undefined index: name in system_sort_modules_by_info_name() (line 909 of C:\rnd\proprietary\\modules\system\
Notice: Undefined index: name in system_sort_modules_by_info_name() (line 909 of C:\rnd\proprietary\\modules\system\
Notice: Undefined index: name in system_sort_modules_by_info_name() (line 909 of C:\rnd\proprietary\\modules\system\
Notice: Undefined index: name in system_sort_modules_by_info_name() (line 909 of C:\rnd\proprietary\\modules\system\
Notice: Undefined index: name in system_sort_modules_by_info_name() (line 909 of C:\rnd\proprietary\\modules\system\
Notice: Undefined index: name in system_sort_modules_by_info_name() (line 909 of C:\rnd\proprietary\\modules\system\
Notice: Undefined index: name in system_sort_modules_by_info_name() (line 909 of C:\rnd\proprietary\\modules\system\
Notice: Undefined index: name in system_sort_modules_by_info_name() (line 909 of C:\rnd\proprietary\\modules\system\
Notice: Undefined index: name in system_sort_modules_by_info_name() (line 909 of C:\rnd\proprietary\\modules\system\
Warning: uasort() [function.uasort]: Array was modified by the user comparison function in system_modules() (line 769 of C:\rnd\proprietary\\modules\system\
Notice: Undefined index: name in _system_modules_build_row() (line 942 of C:\rnd\proprietary\\modules\system\


tim.plunkett’s picture

keichee’s picture

Assigned: Unassigned » keichee
zeuscool’s picture

This error is thrown due to a module missing information data, try to disable module by module starting with the last ones enabled and see which one is the faulty one

check that the info file has#
name = ModuleName

the same as the directory it resides in (case sensitive)

also check that if it starts with $Id$ line make sure it is starting with:
;$Id$ instead of // $Id$

mistakes can be made, we are humans though

mgifford’s picture

I don't know if this is the type of mistake that Coder should be able to catch, but I'd hope so.

It's hard to dig through and find the module that's missing the name field.

@zeuscool where is this documented?

kurtzhong’s picture

I find this error was caused by a test module in Coder, from coder/coder_sniffer/Test/

mgifford’s picture

@kurtzhong have you reported it to the Coder module? If so would be useful to alert them so they can fix it in the next dev release.

mhamed’s picture

I use the same base for multi sites i ve got the errors in two sites:

Notice: Undefined index: name in block_menu() (line 146 of /.../public_html/modules/block/block.module).
Notice: Undefined index: name in block_menu() (line 165 of /.../public_html/modules/block/block.module).
Notice: Undefined index: name in system_menu() (line 647 of /.../public_html/modules/system/system.module).

the three errors are repeated according to the number of modules existing in the page so if i open the modules page the list is so long
I tried to disable the last enabled module so the last ones for me were :

  • Administration Development tools
  • ,

  • block class

for one site i can remember the last enabled module disabling them as formerly said but for the other it did not work and the errors remain after flushing cashes and drush updatedb with success
still struggling

togbonna’s picture

I also discovered that this could be caused by a .info module file in which the required components (name and description) are left out, even if the module is not enabled.

In this case these notices occurs only in the modules listing page and the module causing the problem will not be listed at all.

In my case the culprit module was rrssb (Ridiculously Responsive Social Share Buttons). In addition to its main module it declared another module rrssb_views which has no code in the .module file and the required components of its .info file were left out.

Filling in the missing components with dummy texts made the problem go away in my case.

Funksmaname’s picture

Thanks togbonna #8 - rrssb was the problem in my case too... it wasn't enabled and I just deleted it