Getting started

Last updated on
3 October 2022

To install PHPStan, you must use Composer.

The following command will install PHPStan and necessary extensions as development dependencies.

composer require  --dev phpstan/phpstan \
  phpstan/extension-installer \
  mglaman/phpstan-drupal \

The mglaman/phpstan-drupal allows PHPStan to understand how to read code in a Drupal codebase and understand how its dynamic return types operate.

The phpstan/extension-installer package autoconfigures PHPStan to load the phpstan-drupal package and phpstan/phpstan-deprecation-rules. This is the package that enables reporting usages of deprecated code.

Next, you need to create a phpstan.neon file. This specifies the analysis level and paths you want to scan. The following assumes you'd like to analyze custom modules in your Drupal site.

    level: 1
        - web/modules/custom

You can then run PHPStan and begin analyzing your codebase!

php vendor/bin/phpstan.phar

If you run out of memory, try using a higher memory limit as documented

php vendor/bin/phpstan.phar --memory-limit=256M

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