Platform Integrations

Updating your inventory in DRD with the sites being hosted on platforms like Acquia, Pantheon, or others becomes really simple. You only have to configure your accounts with those platforms and the action Platform Integration sync will do the rest for you: creating hosts, cores and domains and also configuring them such that you can start monitoring them right away.

You can execute this action regularly, it will keep your DRD inventory always in sync with all your platform accounts and adds news domains as well as disables those, that may have disappeared or moved to other places.

Once your accounts have been created correctly, you can call the sync action from your console:

drush drd:pi:sync

That will create all the hosts, cores and domains for you.


How to prepare remote domains before calling the sync action.


How to add Acquia accounts to DRD and keep your DRD inventory in sync with them.


How to add Pantheon accounts to DRD and keep your DRD inventory in sync with them.


How to add PlatformSH accounts to DRD and keep your DRD inventory in sync with them.

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