complete user profile

Modules or views used : Profile2(profile2): Its provides a default content type where we can add custom fields from manage fields like I used here
add 3 fields

Administer user profiles in Drupal 7

The Profile module is deprecated in Drupal 7, because it is now integrated in Drupal. It is kept around only to provide an upgrade path for Drupal 6 sites that used it.

For new Drupal 7 site you can use:

  • Admin > Configuration > People > Account settings > Manage fields
  • Another method is using Profile2 module, a successor of Content Profile Drupal 6 module

Enabling the Profile module

Since the Profile module is deprecated and included with Drupal 7 for legacy reasons only, you are discouraged from using it. For this reason, the module is hidden by default, except for sites using the Profile module that were upgraded from an earlier version.

If you still need to enable the Drupal 7 Profile module, you can use one of the following options:

Command line (requires Drush)

If you have drush enabled, navigate to your site's directory and execute drush en profile.

Custom module

You can implement hook_system_info_alter() to show modules that are otherwise hidden.

Via the command line, starting in your Drupal site's sites/default/modules directory:

mkdir profile_unlock
cd profile_unlock/
name = Profile Unlock
description = Unlock the core Profile module.

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