lightbox2 7.x-2.5

Bug fixes
New features

Go to newer release instead of this

lightbox2 7.x-2.4


Please use 7.x-2.6 or newer instead, see newest release.

Sorry, the wrong branch tagged, this release was an "oops", go to the newest release instead.

lightbox2 7.x-1.0-beta1


This version is the first beta of lightbox2 to Drupal 7, it do not any new features, just a port from Drupal 6. It is stable enought to use it, just a few things are missing from the Drupal 6.

Since there is not any api change from Drupal 6, everything works as the same way as before.

Changes(From Drupal 6):

  • emvideo, acidfree are not suported, there is not a drupal 7 version
  • flickr is not working, this is a know bug and will be fixed in the next version

lightbox2 7.x-1.x-dev

This is a development version, so please use it only if you want to help testing it or if you need any change that is in this development version and is not on a stable version.

The current work is to port from Drupal 6 to 7. Not everything from Drupal 6 is working, but is important that you use, test and report anything that works on Drupal 6 but not in 7.

Current you can use most of it, but some important things still do not work:

lightbox2 5.x-2.11

Bug fixes

Changes since DRUPAL-5--2-10:

  • #920008 - fix for g2 filter
  • #920020 by riccardoR - fix for javascript errors
  • #920094 - fix for trailing comma error in IE8
  • #920050 - allow list of allowed tags for filter_xss to be configured
  • now removes leading trailing slash from lightbox2_flv_player_path

lightbox2 6.x-1.10

Security update
New features
Bug fixes

Changes since DRUPAL-6--1-9:

SA-CONTRIB-2010-095 - fixes XSS vulnerability and access bypass issues with modal content.

lightbox2 5.x-2.10

Security update
New features
Bug fixes

Changes since DRUPAL-5--2-9:

SA-CONTRIB-2010-095 - fixes XSS vulnerability and access bypass issues with modal content.

lightbox2 6.x-1.9

New features
Bug fixes

Note: the rel attribute for lightvideos has changed. In the previous version, it was rel="lightvideo[width:100px; height:400px][caption]". Now lightvideo supports grouping, just like the other rel attributes. This means the format has changed to rel="lightvideo[groupname|width:100px; height:400px;][caption]". See the documentation at for more details.

Changes since DRUPAL-6--1-8:

New features:

lightbox2 5.x-2.9

New features
Bug fixes

Note: the rel attribute for lightvideos has changed. In the previous version, it was rel="lightvideo[width:100px; height:400px][caption]". Now lightvideo supports grouping, just like the other rel attributes. This means the format has changed to rel="lightvideo[groupname|width:100px; height:400px;][caption]". See the documentation at for more details.

Changes since DRUPAL-5--2-8:

New features:

lightbox2 5.x-2.8

New features
Bug fixes

Changes since DRUPAL-5--2-7:

Video functionality is now disabled by default. You can re-enable it on admin/settings/lightbox2. Automatic image handling is now also disabled by default but if you run update.php your existing settings should be saved.

Finally, there is a new filter for your input formats which will prevent users from using the "lightframe" rel attribute. You should enable this input filter if you do not want your users, especially untrusted users, to be able to create iframe content.

New Features

lightbox2 6.x-1.8

New features
Bug fixes

Changes since DRUPAL-6--1-7:

Video functionality is now disabled by default. You can re-enable it on admin/settings/lightbox2. Automatic image handling is now also disabled by default but if you run update.php your existing settings should be saved.

Finally, there is a new filter for your input formats which will prevent users from using the "lightframe" rel attribute. You should enable this input filter if you do not want your users, especially untrusted users, to be able to create iframe content.

New Features

lightbox2 5.x-2.6

New features
Bug fixes

p>Changes since DRUPAL-5--2-5:

lightbox2 6.x-1.x-dev

Drupal 6.x port.

It includes one new feature that has been added to Drupal 5.x but not yet released, see #166461.

lightbox2 4.7.x-1.1

Changes since DRUPAL-4-7--1-0:

  • changes for #141065
  • changes for #71748 which add acidfree image support

lightbox2 4.7.x-1.0

First non-development release of the lightbox2 module for Drupal-4.7.

It includes changes for the following issues:

lightbox2 5.x-1.0-1

Corrected version of lightbox2-5.x-1.0 (problem with cvs branches).

lightbox2 5.x-1.0

First drupal-5.x version of the lightbox2 module. It has all the same features as the drupal 4.7.x module.

lightbox2 5.x-1.x-dev

First attempt at a drupal-5 release. This should contain everything that was supported in the 4.7.x version of the module along with changes for #71443


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