dxpr_builder 3.0.0-alpha7

Bug fixes
New features

For internal use only! Definitely not for production.

dxpr_builder 2.6.1-alpha1

Bug fixes

Big Fixes

  • Implemented case-insensitive email handling to allow access for users with emails (from SSO (Single Sign-On) or otherwise) containing uppercase letters.

dxpr_builder 2.6.0

Bug fixes
New features


  • API endpoints domain: Migrated API endpoints from dxpr.com to app.dxpr.com, preparing for infrastructure improvements. Due to this change, Versions old than 2.6.0 will not be supported starting February 1, 2024.


  • Gin Toolbar Support: Improved detection and support for the Gin toolbar and its various toolbar display modes.

dxpr_builder 2.5.4

Bug fixes

Bug Fixes

  • Resolved a bug in the dxpr_builder_page module by adding the missing dependency on the field_group module.
  • Addressed a PHP 8.2 deprecation warning related to calling str_replace on a NULL value.

dxpr_builder 2.5.3

Bug fixes
New features


  • Countdown Settings: Countdown options now selected by default with an optimized parameter structure.
  • Inline Editing: Will re-initialize correctly after closing the modal, when clicking Save or Cancel on the element settings window.
  • Date Picker: Scrolling has been disabled on the day/month picker to improve date selection accuracy.

Bug Fixes

  • Drag and Drop Library: Fixed a critical bug with layout collapsing when adjusting a row layout.

dxpr_builder 2.5.0

Bug fixes

Bug Fixes

  • YouTube Background Videos: Addressed an issue where editing pages with YouTube Background video sections leads to automatic 16:9 aspect ratio matching of the section even if this option is disabled. This regression can also lead to erractic behavior of the section (jumping to the beginning of the page) — making this a critical bug fix. The regression was caused by a faulty update of the mb.YTPlayer plugin. To prevent this happening again we moved this plugin from managed to unmanaged namespace.

dxpr_builder 2.4.0

Bug fixes
New features
This update requires a database schema update, don't forget to run drush updb or update.php.

New Features

  • User License Cleanup: Added a feature allowing admins to remove stale or irrelevant user license data directly from the User License Dashboard.

dxpr_builder 2.3.2-beta1

Bug fixes
New features


  • Exclusion of Users from DXPR Builder Editing: We've introduced an option to exclude specific users, including administrators, from DXPR Builder editing.

dxpr_builder 2.3.1

Bug fixes


  • Disabled content locking messages directed to original author to enhance user experience and avoid over-communication.

Bug Fixes

  • Bootstrap 5: Resolved an issue where the progress bar was not visible due to CSS added in Bootstrap5 base theme.
  • Bootstrap 5: Addressed a bug in the Video element rendering in small frame when player overlay image is used.
  • PHP 8.2: Replaced deprecated mb_convert_encoding() method for PHP 8.2 compatibility.

dxpr_builder 2.3.0

Bug fixes


  • Deprecation of DXPR Builder integration with CKEditor Font plugin

dxpr_builder 2.2.8

Bug fixes
New features

New Features and Enhancements

  • Improved the user interface when closing modals by eliminating any unwanted shifts in the layout (Was only a problem on Windows systems).
  • Admin menu items have been reordered for improved navigation and usability.
  • Enhanced the frontend undo/redo system to remove more history items iteratively when storage is full, improving system performance during history-saving operations.

Bug Fixes

    dxpr_builder 2.2.6

    Bug fixes
    New features

    New Features and Enhancements:

    • Updated DXPR element utility classes to include a broader range of Bootstrap 4 and Bootstrap 5 utilities, allowing for more flexible and customizable designs.

    User Interface Improvements:

    • DXPR Builder has received a minor visual facelift, enhancing the overall user experience and making it more intuitive and user-friendly.

    Code Audit:

      dxpr_builder 2.2.5

      Bug fixes

      * Hotfix for hook_update in 2.2.4 release

      Update #8032
      Failed: Drupal\Core\Entity\Query\QueryException: Entity queries must explicitly set whether the query should be access checked or not. See Drupal\Core\Entity\Query\QueryInterface::accessCheck(). in Drupal\Core\Entity\Query\Sql\Query->prepare() (line 141 of /code/web/core/lib/Drupal/Core/Entity/Query/Sql/Query.php).

      dxpr_builder 2.2.4

      Bug fixes
      New features
      • Enhanced the "Initial visibility level" feature in Menu Blocks to ensure correct functionality for editors working on pages lower in the menu tree. (Previously, this feature was only functioning correctly for non-editor users.)
      • Fixed a bug that prevented the media browser modal from closing in certain edge case scenarios.
      • Modified the user license count policy to not include blocked users. As a result, it is now possible to remove the User License from the root Drupal user by blocking this user.

      dxpr_builder 2.2.3

      Bug fixes
      New features
      • Introduced keyboard shortcuts for undo (Ctrl/Cmd+Z) and redo (Shift+Ctrl/Cmd+Z)
      • Upgraded history state management to allow undo and redo actions even after saving, maintaining access to previous states
      • Expanded user-profiles feature with page templates and global user templates selection, allowing you to provision templates to specific user roles
      • Enhanced local video element with improved file validation and clearer upload error messages
      • Resolved minor visual issues in nested tabs and parent tabs with labels-left or labels-right mode

      dxpr_builder 2.2.2

      Bug fixes
      New features
      • Added support for "Growth" DXPR subscription tier
      • Improved native file upload experience with file type/size validation / notifications
      • Fixed issue with re-ordering vertical tabs in Bootstrap 4 and 5
      • Fixed issue with license block missing on people page and user licenses dashboard
      • Fixed bug "Embedded AJAX views display pager not working reliably for anonymous users when multiple views are embedded in DXPR Builder container"

      dxpr_builder 2.2.2-beta2

      Bug fixes
      New features

      * Fixed issue with resize option of background video option on section element (fixing the aspect ratio of the section to 16:9)
      * Fixed live editing support in several element widgets (Media upload, multi-image thumbnail re-ordering)
      * Fixed issue counting number of user licenses in use, it will now aggregate users from different sites using the same product key
      * Added business logic that moves user licenses from one product key to another when changing the key on a website
      * Changed history window timestamps to 24 hour format instead of using am/pm

      dxpr_builder 2.2.2-beta1

      Bug fixes
      • Fixed bug "Embedded AJAX views display pager not working reliably for anonymous users when multiple views are embedded in DXPR Builder container"
      • Fixed bug "DXPR Builder triggers a fatal error when embedding a views display with exposed filter for an integer field type in PHP8+"

      dxpr_builder 2.2.1

      Bug fixes

      * Fixed issue with HTML element emptying when clicking element settings Cancel button
      * Fixed issue with Section padding-bottom when using the background video feature
      * Enabled live editing preview when using Chosen widget for adding HTML classes to an element
      * Enabled live editing preview when interacting with the icon selection widget

      dxpr_builder 2.2.0

      Bug fixes
      New features

      New Features

      • Bootstrap 5 support*
      • In Bootstrap 5 mode the well element and panel element are replaced by the Card element
      • Drupal 10 support
      • Added clone button to all element controls
      • Added support for Gin toolbar

      Bug Fixes

      • Fixed issue with styling not applying to link element
      • In the elements window "views" tab the views filtering selectbox now only shows views tags of views that are available to the current user

      dxpr_builder 2.1.5

      Bug fixes
      New features

      * Added lock buttons to margin/border/padding settings to let you lock all 4 sides of each of these settings
      * Fixed issue with DXPR Builder crashing when a 3rd party module's block code caused a fatal PHP error (for example Sitemap XML module)
      * Fixed issue with underscore library deprecation in Drupal 10
      * Improved frontend markup for faster frontend performance
      * Updated page templates feature to support more image formats for template thumbnail
      * Fixed issue with update module pinging dxpr.com instead of drupal.org for updates

      dxpr_builder 2.1.4

      Bug fixes

      * roll-back box model locks
      * fix d10 underscore deprecation issue

      dxpr_builder 2.1.3

      Bug fixes
      New features

      * implement locking feature on box model inputs (margin/padding/border)
      * fix missing notifications issue
      * remove dxpr_builder_page dependency on dxpr_theme_helper
      * fix Drupal 10 error when loading blocks
      * fix issue editor not loading when pre-existing text in field has no HTML
      * improve DXPR Builder Media library layout
      * add language filter to media library
      * make media library default window in modal
      * improve UI texts
      * trim product key on submit
      * workaround for core bug in color module producing notices

      dxpr_builder 2.1.1

      Bug fixes
      • Fix console errors about drupalSettings
      • Improve communication about license key and subscription
      • Improve communication about Bootstrap library requirements
      • Auto-install DXPR Media browser when enabled
      • Fix UX issue with date picker

      dxpr_builder 2.1.0

      Bug fixes
      New features

      * Added dxpr_media submodule for easy Drupal media library integration.
      * Introduced capability to edit padding/margin/border sizes with mouse-dragging in the element settings window.
      * Fixed PHP 8.1 bug in /admin/config page and Status Report page.
      * Fixed issue by working around Drupal core bug that is triggered when core search module tries to index DXPR Builder-enabled content that includes Views displays with exposed filters that have "remember value" enabled on the exposed filter.
      * Fixed issue with User templates not saving

      dxpr_builder 2.0.0

      Please read our Documentation for updating Drupal 1.x to 2.0.0.

      New Features:

      • Live editing for faster workflow and enhanced layout design capabilities
      • Released on Drupal.org for open-source availability, security, and durability
      • Transparent and predictable pricing with no more Site Licenses, pay per user or monthly plan

      dxpr_builder 2.0.0-rc3

      Bug fixes
      New features

      * Fixed issue with Windows/Chrome scrollbars taking space in live editing modal
      * fixed bug with add-elements window in Bootstrap 4 mode
      * Implement new design for box model widget
      * Implement new design iteration color picker widget
      * fix small live editing modal layout issues
      * implement new calendar widget design
      * Iterate on icon picker design
      * update autocomplete widget design
      * More D10 deprecations

      dxpr_builder 2.0.0-rc2

      Bug fixes
      • Fixed issue with cloud files not loading because the drupal.org release was "2.0.0-RC1" and the DXPR.com release was "2.0.0-rc1"
      • Fixed Drupal 10 deprecations
      • Removed project status URL so that core Update module will ping Drupal.org and not DXPR.com


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