This project is not covered by Drupal’s security advisory policy.

*** Update ***: This project has been commited to drush HEAD, and will be a part of drush4:

As such, there is no supported release of this project, and it may be considered deprecated. If you need drush_user for drush3, you may download and apply this patch:

Original Description:

This aims to be a user management plugin for drush. It should be compatible with drupal 5-7. The project
currently supports the following functionality:

  • add users
  • block/unblock
  • assign/unassign roles
  • delete users


acrollet@localhost:/var/www/drupal $ drush user-create newdude --password='asldfj' --mail=''
Information for 'newdude'
User ID: 14
User name: newdude
User mail:
User is active.
User roles: authenticated user

As of beta3, the code is believed to be safe and non-destructive, but please don't use it on a production site without first making a database backup!

Eventually my hope is that this project or its functionality will be included in the main distribution of drush.

Project information
