bat_api 3.1.0

Bug fixes

Drupal 10 support, long time bugfix, code cleanup

bat_api 3.1.0-rc1

All reported critical bug type issues are fixed in the project's issue queue. The release is supposed to be ready for use on a Drupal 10 production site.
Status: needs review.

bat_api 3.1.0-beta1

Bug fixes

A first beta for 3.1
All critical data loss and security bugs are resolved. The API is frozen. Target audience is developers who want to participate in testing, debugging and development of the project, and developers of other projects that interfaces the project. Not generally suitable for production sites, but may be used on some production sites if the site administrator knows the project well, and knows how to handle any outstanding issues.

bat_api 3.1.0-alpha2

Bug fixes

Drupal 10 bugfix (Thanks @alina-basarabeanu), fix dependency, Code Standard

bat_api 7.x-2.4

New features

Adds hook_bat_api_events_index_calendar_alter

bat_api 7.x-2.3

Bug fixes
New features

* Add a specific permission for the matching-units-calendar service
* Add hook_bat_api_units_index_calendar_alter

bat_api 7.x-2.1

Bug fixes
New features

Release of BAT API 2.1 to work with BAT 2.1

bat_api 7.x-2.0-beta4

Bug fixes
New features

Beta4 BAT API should be used with Beta4 BAT - easy right?

bat_api 7.x-1.0

New features

The BAT API offers a streamlined way to pull data out of Rooms and display on calendars and it is also the first step towards a more generalized REST service for Rooms (and BAT).

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