AFAIK currently the only way to view the applications is to view the entire list of applications. There are times it would be useful to be able to view just the applications for a specific node, including for the sake of permissions. There was a bit of discussion along these lines in an old issue thread:

I would propose that this node-specific view be implemented with a permission of "view applications for own jobs" as a tab for the node.


Peng.Pif’s picture

Hey surge,

If I understand correctly, if a Recruiter is looking at the view, Job Applications Received, will they be able to click on Job Posting 1 and be able to see all applications received for this particular Job?

Currently, if there are say 5 different applications from 5 different Job Seekers to Job Posting 1, they will all appear in the view as seperate applications. I was thinking it could be useful to have a node count as a seperate field in the view. This way, the Job Title appears once but the node count will indicate how many applications have been submitted for that particular Node. Clicking on the Node / Job title will then take the Recruiter to another view showing each application for that specific node.