Video Module Page

I upgraded from Video 6.x-2.8 to 6.x-3.2 and found all my video nodes missing a content type - in fact, there was no longer a video content type!!!!

This is because the 6.x-3.x version makes a radical change by using CCK and Filefield to create the video content by upload or embed in the node body only, and you must follow the module documentation to create a new Video content type with certain recommended settings. Using the recommended settings will make your video nodes reappear - but without the video displayed.

Notes about the documentation link above
1. It incorrectly shows entering "Video" as Type: in Create Video Content Type which only accepts a lowercase value eg "video"
2. Do not make the field_video required so you can embed YouTube and other videos in the video node body and don't have to upload a video file.
3. When configuring the settings at admin/settings/video, you may want to change the ffmpeg code for the automatic thumbnails, which often grabs blank frames because it is too early in the video. Replace -ss %seek with -ss 2 to grab thumbnails 2 seconds into the video. The default value for the module is %seek - I'm not sure what that value is, but you can override it in the video settings page admin/settings/video. For more info about ffmpeg, see the official documentation
3. Even if you previously enabled the Upload Video module, you will need to enable it and the Filefield module again

Ok, so far so good.

If you uploaded your videos, you can upload them in the Filefield and your node will be just as good as before.

What about YouTube and other video types supported by the old versions?

YouTube options:

OptionA: You can also use the embed code from YouTube and embed the video in your video node body. DO NOT make the field_video required in your Video content type, then you will not be required to upload a video file.

Option B: You can use a video downloader to save the YouTube video file and then upload it. I used the Eusing Free YouTube Downloader

I never used the Google or URL types, but you have the same choices - either download and upload the videos or find a way to embed them.

CAUTION: If you upload a large number of videos or have a high-traffic site, you should consider talking to your server admin about setting up a CDN for the media files. Particularly if you are moving from many embedded YouTube videos to uploaded versions.

Final notes:

The module no longer provides blocks, "Latest Videos" etc, so if you need a block, you can create a block with a list of video nodes with Views

And if you had tags in the Video category, you will have to add the new Video content type to the Video category.