The View Bulk Operations module allows operations to be executed against a group of nodes as selected by a View. This is a powerful tool for granularly performing actions against nodes. Deploy functionality is supported by Views Bulk Operations just like it is on the content list form. As an example, Deploy contains a default view at admin/build/deploy/choose_nodes which will be enabled if you have the Views Bulk Operations module installed. Note that by default this View is only viewable by users with 'administer deployment' permissions. This view allows you to filter nodes by content type, front page flag, author and/or post date. You can then easily select nodes to add to a deployment plan or deploy immediately. The view serves as a good sample of how you can use Views Bulk Operations to build a view for integration with Deploy functionality.

If you wish to create your own view from scratch, here's how. (Note these instructions assume some familiarity with Views.)

  1. Create a new node view per whatever needs you have as normal.
  2. Add a new Page display to this node.
  3. Set the Page Style to Bulk Operations.
  4. Click the 'gear' to adjust the settings for this style.
  5. Under 'To execute operations' select 'Invoke them directly'. Currently Deploy does not support the 'Use Batch API' option.
  6. Under 'Selected options' add 'Add to deployment plan' and 'Deploy'.
  7. Update the settings, give the page a path and save the view.

Now visit your page. You should be able to select a set of nodes as you wish, choose 'Add to deployment plan' from the drop down above the list, and add those nodes to a deployment plan. Combining this functionality with well thought-out exposed filters can create a powerful tool for granularly deploying groups of nodes.


jtherkel’s picture

The wording in these instructions did not match my environment. For VBO running on D7, I was able to apply the 6th patch on this page to the VBO module.

Add hook_action_info() integration for use with Views Bulk Operations

This gave me two new VBO options that were useful for Deploy module.

  • Add to managed deployment plan
  • Delete from managed deployment plan
artematem’s picture

For D7 there are a Deploy Plus module that adds Add to managed deployment plan and Delete from managed deployment plan VBO and other usefull things.