Hi there,

I tried to enable equal heights on the columns and it would not work. As I did some debugging work, I noticed that <div id="columns"> contains a div inside with the class "columns-inner" which holds the various columns. I modified the jquery code to equalize the heights on that and it works. So the diff (from my subversion repo - still the same line numbers) looks like:

Index: genesis/genesis/js/jquery.equalizeheights.js
--- genesis/genesis/js/jquery.equalizeheights.js	(Current Version in production)
+++ genesis/genesis/js/jquery.equalizeheights.js	(Working Version)
@@ -90,6 +90,6 @@
 if (Drupal.jsEnabled) {
   $(document).ready(function() {
-    $('#columns').equalHeights();
+    $('#columns .columns-inner').equalHeights();
\ No newline at end of file


Jeff Burnz’s picture

Title: Equal Heights on the columns does not work » Equal Heights columns patch


Screenack’s picture

This fixed what ailed my site; although I added the class redefinition to the minified file -- Thanks!