Now FlowPlayer3 embedding support is underway, and given previous requests for better support for thumbnails with video, there looks to be a REALLY good reason to address this. describes the fact that the FlowPlayer embedding code automatically handles loading and unloading of players on a page. The content can be configured to use an image as a placeholder, and when it's clicked the player starts, when a different player is clicked the first one stops, and the second starts.

The benefit is that on page with lots of players then you don't load nn players all at the same time, you don't load ANY until the users picks one.

I am guessing now we have CCK support in FlowPlayer that it's going to be very easy for users to create a view that is populated with many players. If we can enable this feature then it should be a nice speed boost.

The sample code at flowplayer illustrates overlaying a play button on to the thumbnail, so to all intents it LOOKS like a player!