
I found this theme to be really great and using it on my personal home page (http://www.maciejewski.ch). However, as I am using a variation of the very large header picture (see my page), and got rid of the original bloue logo on the top left, I found the search field to be strangely alone at the top.

As the field seems to be hard-coded, it might prevent inexperienced users from using this otherwise great theme. I would suggest to be able to remove the search field in the general theme configuration, as you can do with the logo etc.

Also- some color variation would be killer! :-)

Best regard from Switzerland,


julianna’s picture

Kinda obvious, but have you tried deactivating the search bar in the Theme Configuration section of Drupal's admin pages?

murokoma’s picture

Ugh, I honestly don't remember... but I guess that was the first thing I would have checked :-)