This module only supports the Echo API prior to E2 launch
The node settings section on the administration page (Administer > Site configuration > JS-Kit Echo) of the JS-Kit Echo module consists of four settings.

Language neutral

Check this box if you want comments to apply for the source node and translated nodes. Uncheck if you want comments per language. Note that if enable language neutral comments then all comments are linked to the source node, and only comments linked to the source node will be displayed. Be careful changing this setting for a production site.

Node Types

The JS-Kit Echo widget is only shown for nodes of the selected node types.

Display in content area

Check this box if you want to display the comments within the content area. If you want to display comments in another region you can uncheck this box and enable the JS-Kit Echo block for that region on Blocks overview page.

Content weight

Multiple modules can contribute content to the content area. Use the content weight to position the JS-Kit Echo widget within the content area.

Display comment count links (release 6.x-2.0 and higher)

Check this box if you want to display the comment count links with teasers.