The page elements module allows rendering chains defined with the painter UI module to be applied to page level elements, and their states.

These include:

  • Logo
  • Page title
  • Primary & Secondary links
  • Primary & Secondary tabs
  • Block titles
  • Menu links
  • Buttons

Rendering the primary navigation as reflected text

First off, you may want to define a rendering chain to create the actual reflected text images.
See how here:

  1. Go to admin/build/graphics/page-elements.
  2. Click on the 'Primary links' fieldset to expand it.
  3. Check the 'Generate images for primary links' checkbox.
  4. In the 'Render normal state with:' dropdown, select the chain you defined. If you followed the above tutorial to define rendering chains, select 'My reflecting text'.
    You can do the same for the 'Render hover state with:' and 'Render active state with: ' dropdowns, or you can define other chains for these states, and select them here. You may also select 'Default text', which renders simple images with text, using the settings provided in the 'Default text settings' fieldset directly below.
  5. Save the configuration. You may not see any changes yet, as there's still some required themeing involved.
  6. Check the bottom of the page for the 'Required themeing code:' section. Copy the generated code from each of the sections, and paste them within the appropriate files (corresponding to the fieldset titles) within your theme.
  7. Flush the themeing cache (Using either the admin menu module, or go to admin/build/themes) and you should be able to see the primary links with a reflection below. This step is only required whenever you have to paste new code into any of the theme files.

You do not have to remove these pieces of code when you disable an elements graphical representation.

Remember: each element you replace with a graphical representation requires its own piece(s) of code in the theme. Check that you have all the required code in all of your theme files each time after you save the configuration!