An example use of the lightbox to open a frame containing a webpage might be ...

Click here to open Google in a lightbox frame

A method to automatically detect the screen dimensions of the user, and if at all the available screen area on the browser (to allow for the toolbars using 20% at the top and to check if the browser is not in a maximised state) would be cherry on the icing.

At present lightmodal links are opening in 800x600 as a best guess work-around for most of the links on my site that need a large screen area but this is not ideal, particularly as screen resolutions will only get bigger, Moores law no doubt. Your help would be most appreciated.


browlands’s picture

Oops, doesn't have lightbox so the link above reads

<a href="" rel="lightmodal[|width:800px; height:600px; scrolling: auto;]">Click here t</a>