syndication 6.x-1.7

Bug fixes

Made modifications to the way Views integration works to deal with a couple of issues regarding how views feeds are names and making views (which are defined in code) work also.

syndication 6.x-1.6

Bug fixes

Fixed a couple of bugs:
* Taxonmy terms did not display on page
* Now respects Views access control

syndication 6.x-1.5

New features
Bug fixes

Fix a couple of small bugs and added the blog feed builder functionality

syndication 5.x-1.3

This module should now contain all the features that have been developed for it thus far, and be stable.

syndication 6.x-1.x-dev

Initial release for Drupal 6. Thanks to those who have done the preliminary work with the port.

syndication 5.x-1.1

Bug fixes

This release contains the bug fixes to a number of issues that have been sitting in the cue for some time. There is also a new 'feed builder' interface for combining several taxonomy terms into a single feed.

syndication 5.x-1.x-dev

This is an initial development release for 5.x.
Makes the module 5.x compatible
Adds support for views rss feeds

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