Step 1: Create an imagefield to use later

If you already have a CCK imagefield setup for a nodetype, which can handle multiple images, you can skip this, but you still need to know the machine readable name of your field.


Step 2: Setup jCarousel Block in the admin/settings

These are the only required fields:
image field name: yourfieldname
image field type: imagefield

no need to specify thumb prefix.

Step 3: Upload images

edit node and add the images...

Step 4: Check block settings

Of course you need to set the block to the region you want.

That's it!

Step 5: lightbox (optional)

You can enable lightbox if you have it.

The screen shots of the settings are at #310580: Documentation with images for imagefield .

NoteSome users have left comments that this doesn't work, but there were no specifics given.