Bad Behavior is a set of PHP scripts which prevents spambots from accessing your site by analyzing their actual HTTP requests and comparing them to profiles from known spambots. It goes far beyond User-Agent and Referer, however.

The problem: Spammers run automated scripts which read everything on your web site, harvest email addresses, and if you have a blog, forum or wiki, will post spam directly to your site. They also put false referrers in your server log trying to get their links posted through
your stats page.

As the operator of a Web site, this can cause you several problems. First, the spammers are wasting your bandwidth, which you may well be paying for. Second, they are posting comments to any form they can find, filling your web site with unwanted (and unpaid!) ads for their products. Last but not least, they harvest any email addresses they can find and sell those to other spammers, who fill your inbox with more unwanted ads.

Bad Behavior intends to target any malicious software directed at a Web site, whether it be a spambot, ill-designed search engine bot, or system crackers. It blocks such access and then logs their attempts.

To use this module, you must download and install Bad Behavior from:
See README.txt for full details

Project information
