Getting started

This guide will lead you through setting up the Search API module, explain basic concepts and explain how to use its most common features.

You might also want to check out the external material available for screencasts, etc.

Furthermore, please note that this module integrates with the Tour module included in Drupal Core. If you have that module enabled, a tour will be available to guide you through most administration pages of this module.


Explanations for some special terms used in the Search API (and this documentation)

First steps

Initial steps for module installation and configuration

Adding a server

Simple instructions for setting up a search server

Adding an index

Simple instructions for setting up a search index


A quick overview about Search API processors and the default ones included

Server backends and features

Explains the concept of "features" and contains information about them

Search forms and results pages

Creating search forms and results pages with the Search API

Common pitfalls

Problems often encountered by new users with the Search API

Frequently asked questions

Answers to frequently asked questions or encountered problems

Guide maintainers

drunken monkey's picture