In order to install and use Varbase there are several extra steps you need to follow take full advantage of Varbase, other than the Drupal installation instructions and setup process.

Preparing for Fresh Varbase Installation

1. Copy the default.* file and save the new file without the default prefix in the same directory.

To do so, run the following command from the directory that contains your Drupal installation files:

# This file include extra settings you can check it and edit these settings.
cp sites/default/ sites/default/

Note: Do not simply rename the file. The Drupal installer needs both files.

2. Also you have to make a copy of Varbase Starter kits, these are features that are bundled with Varbase with intention to server as default and be overriden afterward with your own site settings, so we are creating a copy of them now to prevent them from being update the installation profile.

To do so, also run the following command from the directory that contains your Drupal installation files:

mkdir sites/default/modules
cp -r profiles/varbase/modules/starter_kits sites/default/modules/starter_kits

# Rename features info files from *.starterkit back to *.info
find sites/default/modules/starter_kits -name '*.starterkit' -exec sh -c 'mv "$0" "${0%.starterkit}.info"' {} \;

For LOCAL Development

# this is only needed on the development machine but not the production.
cp sites/default/ sites/default/

Note: Do not simply rename the file. The Drupal installer needs both files.

Now you can follow the normal installation process from your browser