This example is to be used with the attached sample JPEG.

Step 1

Create a new badge and set the following
page orientation = Portrait
Page Style = Image (Width/Height are ignored when page style is set to image)

Step 2

Upload the attached sample JPEG to the newly created badge

Step 3

Copy/paste the following code into the PHP section of the badge.

//print horizontal first name
$pdf->SetFont('freemono', '', 60);

//print horizontal last name
$pdf->SetFont('freemono', '', 65);

//Print expirydate exactly one year from date printed.
$pdf->SetFont('freemono', 'b', 20);
$expirydate = date('n/j/Y', mktime(0, 0, 0, date("m"),   date("d"),   date("Y")+1));

//Print vertical firstname
$pdf->SetFont('freemono', '', 40);
$pdf->Rotate(-90, 270, 0);
$pdf->Write(10,strtoupper($account->profile_firstname), NULL, 0);

//Print vertical lastname
$pdf->SetFont('freemono', '', 45);
$pdf->Write(10,strtoupper($account->profile_lastname), NULL, 0);

PDF-IDcard-sample_badge.jpg152.47 KB


kellycruzz’s picture

These codes don't work in the drupal 6x.beta1 version of the module
even when i applied profile_load_profile($account) function


Can u figure out why?