Using module_grants-7.x-1.x with og-7.x-2.x and taxonomy_access seems to work well except for unpublished content. Any nodes that are unpublished are visible to all roles including anonymous.

I see in module_grants 6.x issues there were several related to this problem.

I also noted that there are suggested work flows with revisioning but did not want to add more modules just to solve issue this unless it is the only way.

I would appreciate any suggestions on how to solve this.



RdeBoer’s picture

Suggest you add Revisioning to the mix.

izmeez’s picture

Ok, I'll give that a try.

izmeez’s picture

The revisioning and workflow modules are impressive.
But, what if you don't really need them? It adds a more complicated configuration.

It seems to me that there is something in module_grants that may need closer examination and maybe module_grants needs a hook that revisioning can use to alter what is needed for moderation.

Looking at the code in module_grants there are comments in the function alluding to this issue,

 * Get the realms and # of records in node_access table for a node or for access all
 * @param  $node
 * @return array of record counts, keyed by realm.
function module_grants_get_node_access_realms($node = NULL) {
  $node_access_realms = &drupal_static(__FUNCTION__);

  $nid = $node ? $node->nid : 0;
  if (!isset($node_access_realms[$nid])) {
    $query = db_select('node_access', 'na')
      ->fields('na', array('realm'));
    $query->addExpression('COUNT(na.gid)', 'gid_count');

    if ($node) {
      $nid_condition = db_or()
        ->condition('na.nid', $node->nid)
        // If node is published, and there is only an access all grant (nid = 0) for a realm, then this node
        // will not be handled leniently on this realm, which means user needs to have that access all grant
        // in order to access the node.
        // This condition should be the same for unpublished node. For unpublished nodes, node_access()
        // will not consider all grant, but will only consider node specific grant. If we allow unpublished
        // node to be handled leniently in a realm with only all grant, it would allow user without the
        // all grant to access the unpublished node, which is bad.
        ->condition('na.nid', 0);
    $node_access_realms[$nid] = $query->execute()->fetchAllKeyed();
  return $node_access_realms[$nid];

The module_grants module is doing some heavy lifting to allow multiple access control modules to work well together so I am not really sure where such a change could be made.

izmeez’s picture

I see this is very complicated according to

Secondly, modules for fine-grained access control (such as Workflow Access, TAC, TAC-Lite) tend to rely on grants in the node_access table for their implementation and are therefore rendered impotent when dealing with unpublished content, because of the way node access is wired into the drupal core (point 2b).

izmeez’s picture

I have tested the alternate modules_access from #791972-32: D7 port of Module Grants and it appears to do what I need.

On early testing, it does observe unpublished and admin behaviour while ANDing grants from og and taxonomy access.

Leeteq’s picture