In the 'Add Filter Criteria' and 'Add Sort Criteria' pop-up windows, only a small portion of the available fields are displayed (13 and 8, respectively, out of roughly 250). Some details:

  1. They are not the first ones alphabetically but seem rather random alphabetically.
  2. They seem to be rather fundamental drupal fields.
  3. The 8 displaying for 'Add Sort Criteria' are a subset of the 13 for 'Add Filter Criteria'.
  4. This does not occur on my local dev site, but is occuring on the live site.
  5. Have cleared cache many times.
  6. Don't see any errors in Drupal logs or Chrome/Safari console

Here is the list of the fields showing:

'Add Filter Criteria' 'Add Sort Criteria'
Content: Author uid
Content: Has taxonomy terms (with depth)
Content: Nid Content: Nid
Content: Post date Content: Post date
Content: Promoted to front page Content: Promoted to front page
Content: Published Content: Published
Content: Published or admin
Content: Sticky Content: Sticky
Content: Title Content: Title
Content: Type Content: Type
Content: Updated date Content: Updated date
Content: User has a revision
Date: Date (node)

Does anybody have an idea of what could be causing this?


Mark_L6n’s picture

Status: Active » Closed (fixed)

After simply trying lots of things, I found that checking 'Disable views data caching' in admin/structure/views/settings/advanced solved the problem.
Clicking 'Clear Views cache' (on the same page) did not fix the problem. (Tried clearing other caches in conjunction with this, but still no success there.)
I would hope there is a better solution to this problem, but at least checking this box temporarily allowed me to edit Views.

JKingsnorth’s picture

Category: support » bug
Status: Closed (fixed) » Active

I have this problem too.

The suggestion in #1 fixed it for me, but I don't think is counts as the issue being 'fixed' so I'm reopening it.

sjhuskey’s picture

Clicking "Clear Views Cache" worked for me.

Panther256’s picture

I have just encountered the same issue. In my case I am accessing User and Profile 2 information in my View and a Search: Fulltext search (exposed) filter.

I tried #1 but it did not allow me to select the field I wish to sort by.

Any ideas?

gisle’s picture

I am also encountering this.

I am trying get the view implemented by Enabled Modules (admin/reports/enabled-modules) sorted by System: Package. This field appears in the fields list, but is not available as a sort criteria. I tried the workaround suggested in #1 but that did not change anything.

Sameer Jambhulkar’s picture

The solution given by Mark_L6n is probably the best solution for this issue. I have also experienced the same issue many times and "Disable views data caching" has always worked for me.

parasolx’s picture

I'm most of the time disable Views cache when working with complex project.
But if your environment in very condition, I think it should be not a problem.

scotty014’s picture

Make sure the field you are looking for is indexed. Also, the way you index the field matters. I came across this when trying to sort by a field of type Text. I had indexed the field but it was being indexed as type 'Fulltext' and when I changed it to be indexed as type 'String' then it showed up to the list for possible filter criteria.

Hope this helps someone.

baldalo’s picture


Same issue here, the suggestion #8 by scotty014 works bu it has a downside. If you index your field as String instead of Fulltext you will find it within the list of possible sort criteria but it will be excluded from the "Fulltext Search" if you expose it.

cobberas63’s picture

I only have 4 fields, and none of them start with "Content" (which is what I'm looking for) despite following solution given by @Mark_L6n

Any ideas on how to make Content type fields appear? (sorry, just new to this and have been searching for a solution for 2 days)


cobberas63’s picture

Found the solution to my issue here: