I'm working on a site with Openlayers 2.x, Geofield, Views, (forked to support 6 layers) Openlayers Plus, etc, etc.

I've created a view page listing node titles. Those node titles contain a couple attributes, nid, lat, lon, category title. Guess what, i've created a clickto block. It works great, centering a positition and triggering the popup, all works.

Now: i've created 2 icons per category term and created 2 icon styles via the Openlayers config page. These styles are set for all involved layers on all maps and work great on the initial page load rendering the layer displaying all nodes.

But not when i switch to another layer. The active state icon works when i click on the icon itself, but when i click on one of the titles on my clickto block, the popup launches fine, setcenter works fine, but the active state icon is not shown.