Node Access Keys helps to grant users temporary view permissions.

Once installed, a message will appear to set a default content type for the Node Access Keys module. To do this, navigate to Administration > Configuration > People > Node Access Keys > Settings and select a default content type for Node Access Keys to use when viewing system pages that include this module's login form. If unsure, set to page or whatever your generic content type might be.

Create a Node Access Key

Navigate to Administration > Configuration > People > Node Access Keys to create/delete/edit Node Access Keys. To create a new Node Access Key click on the action '+ Add Access Key' link.

Add Access Key link

On the next page, enter the passphrase to use as your access key and then check which content type(s) and user role(s) to which it should apply.

Node Access Key form

Test if a Node Access Key works

User roles selected above should now see a password form when viewing content types where a Node Access Key is set (as long as they DO NOT have the Access Bypass permission set for their role). You will need to login as the specific user role to test the functionality of your new Node Access Key. Beware of users with multiple roles, as the role WITH permission will take precedence. Good luck.