Hi, I have been working on getting Samba set up on DrupalPro, I have installed the Beta 2 OVA. I've got it running, but I know you said that there is some Samba configuration already but it is not fully set up.

I didn't find anything when poking around, so I just installed Samba from instructions elsewhere and am looking for feedback on whether what I did duplicates anything that was already on there.

Here is what I did (mostly from http://rbgeek.wordpress.com/2012/04/25/how-to-install-samba-server-on-ub...):

Install Samba
sudo apt-get install samba samba-common

Check that it is the latest version (3.6.3) with
smbd --version

Install suggested packages
sudo apt-get install python-glade2 system-config-samba

Add new config file
sudo cp /etc/samba/smb.conf /etc/samba/smb.conf.bak
sudo rm /etc/samba/smb.conf
sudo touch /etc/samba/smb.conf
sudo nano /etc/samba/smb.conf

smb.conf contents: :
#=== Global Settings ===
workgroup = WORKGROUP
server string = Samba Server %v
netbios name = ubuntu
security = user
unix password sync = yes
map to guest = bad user
dns proxy = no
#=== Share Definitions ===
path = /home/drupalpro/websites
browsable =yes
writable = yes
guest ok = yes
read only = no

Add drupalpro as samba user:
sudo smbpasswd -a drupalpro

Restart Samba
sudo service smbd restart

Allow Samba through firewall
sudo ufw allow Samba


rhuffstedtler’s picture

One thing that may not be obvious to a lot of users is that SMB doesn't work behind NAT. In my case, I have to have a NAT adapter for my VM because it needs to piggyback on a VPN from the host OS. This is a use case where VirtualBox's host-only adapter comes in handy. I'm currently running with eth0 as a NAT adapter and eth1 as host-only.