Right now VBO doesn't work out of the box on Views that use Search API.
There is work in progress to rectify that by making VBO a backend-agnostic Views field (#1334374: Re-use generic entity views table),
currently blocked by the lack of revision support in the backend-agnostic Views field code.

In the meantime, a small module is needed.

The current working code was first posted by drewish in #1123454: Integration with views bulk operations (vbo).
It is meant to be placed in a vbo_search_api module.

  * Implements hook_views_data_alter().
function vbo_search_api_views_data_alter(&$data) {
  if (isset($data['search_api_index'])) {
    foreach (search_api_index_load_multiple(FALSE) as $index) {
      $data['search_api_index_' . $index->machine_name]['views_bulk_operations'] = array(
        'title' => t('Bulk operations'),
        'help' => t('Provide a checkbox to select the row for bulk operations.'),
        'real field' => 'id',
        'field' => array(
          'handler' => 'vbo_search_api_handler_field_operations',
          'item_type' => $index->item_type,
          'click sortable' => FALSE,

class vbo_search_api_handler_field_operations extends views_bulk_operations_handler_field_operations {
   * Override their get entity type since the base table name won't match at all.
  function get_entity_type() {
    return $this->definition['item_type'];

   * Overridden to try to fish out the id.
  public function get_value($values, $field = NULL) {
    // I'm not sure this is the best source for this but the name seemed consistent.
    return $values->_entity_properties['search_api_item_id'];