I have a problem with the rendered output of a form in the mobile_jquery theme. This code works just fine using Acquia Prosper and other themes, but not using the mobile_jquery theme.

I'm adding 2 fivestar widgets to a form as shown below:

    $form['measure1'] = array (
      '#type' => 'fivestar',
      '#required' => '1',
      '#stars' => 6,
      '#weight' => '10',

    $form['measure2'] = array (
      '#type' => 'fivestar',
      '#required' => '1',
      '#stars' => 6,
      '#weight' => '12',

Both stars AND drop-downs appear for both fields when using mobile_jquery. Either control can be used successfully to register a vote on submission of the form, but surely only one should appear? When using Acquia Prosper for example, only the stars appear and the form works perfectly when submitted.

How can I make it work properly as it does in other themes?



__ian’s picture

Hello? Anyone there?

I presume this is a bug in mobile_jquery theme - can anyone reproduce this?
