Note: the Computed Field Module can be used instead of this custom code (in Drupal 5.x and 6.x)

Imagine you have two existing number fields, called field_product_price and field_postage_price. You want to create a computed field field_total_cost which adds these two fields. Create a new computed field with the name 'Total Cost', and in your computed field's configuration set the following:

  • Computed Code:
    $node_field[0]['value'] = $node->field_product_price[0]['value'] + $node->field_postage_price[0]['value'];
    • If you are using the E-commerce module the price value is available as $node->price
    • If you are using the UBERCART module the public price value is available as $node->sell_price
  • Check 'Display this field'
  • Display Format:
    $display = '' . $node_field_item['value'];
  • Check 'Store using the database settings below'
  • Data Type: float
  • Data Length: 10,2
  • Default Value: 0.00
  • Check 'Not NULL'
  • Check 'Sortable'

While the example above uses a price and postage which both can be handled using ecommerce modules or Ubercart, there are other examples when you would want to compute two fields and the above instructions/example provide guidance.


Parkes Design’s picture

Thanks for this, it really saved my skin!

gregoiresan’s picture

How can I add values of a multiple field ? I have an small idea but cannot find the small detail which makes everything ;)

illuminatico’s picture

I am trying to configure a computed field to reflect the sum of all the values of field_a for a specific content type, and filter it by the user id of the user. I would like to get the UID from the url so that admin may view the same data as user without having to log in as user.

I am envisioning something like $count = db_result(db_query("SELECT SUM(field_a) from {content_type_x} WHERE USER ID = ID FROM URL"));

Thanks in advance for any help or suggestions.

arsibux’s picture

i m also facing same problem i want to sum of fields of different types of nodes

johncglro’s picture

Hello. I'm new in drupal computed field. I'm trying to add 2 values stored in 2 separate fields. Can anyone give me a hint??

gude.shiva’s picture

hi can anyone please post the code for calculating average of two numerical fields i am using computed field.thanks