What is the Visual Website Optimizer for Drupal module

The module itself only adds a small amount of javascript to each page to allow the Visual Website Optimizer website to do its work. Installation is as simple as enabling the module and setting your Account ID obtained from the VWO website. You can sign up for a 30 day Free Trial Account.

All the configuration of your tests is then done after logging into your account on the VWO website.


  • Download the module from d.o and place it in the modules directory of either your site specific or all directory. eg sites/[sitedirectory]/modules, or sites/all/modules, respectively.
  • Enable the module in Admin -> Build -> Modules / Statistics
  • Configure your Account ID and turn the module on in Admin -> Site configuration -> Visual Website Optimizer Setup
  • Head over to the VWO website and configure your tests


To enable the module to add the correct javascript, you will need to provide it with your VWO Account ID. You can obtain this by logging into your account on the VWO (not your Drupal site) and heading to Tools -> Get Tracking Code.

This image shows where the Get Tracking Code is in the tools menu.

The Account ID you are after is on the 3rd line, after _vis_top_account_id. In the above screenshot, the ID is 99999. Please use the ID from your account or it wont work!

Using the module

Once configured, all the configuration is done via the VWO website. Please see the supporting documentation there for assistance with this part.