hi fago... i cant get it working... i created a simple content type (spoken languages) and defined it as an user profile. what i want to achieve is: filter usernodes by a taxonomy term from the language content type. how can i do that... i keep getting this error when i fuse the usernode with the language:

* user warning: Unknown column 'v2v2term_node.tid' in 'on clause' query: SELECT count( DISTINCT(node.nid)) FROM node node INNER JOIN usernode usernode ON node.nid = usernode.nid LEFT JOIN users usernode_users ON usernode.uid = usernode_users.uid INNER JOIN nodefamily nodefamily_child ON node.nid = nodefamily_child.child_nid LEFT JOIN node v2node ON nodefamily_child.parent_nid = v2node.nid LEFT JOIN term_node v2term_node ON v2node.nid = v2term_node.nid LEFT JOIN term_hierarchy v2term_hierarchy ON v2v2term_node.tid = v2term_hierarchy.tid WHERE (node.type IN ('usernode')) AND (v2term_node.tid IN ('3')) in C:\xampp\htdocs\concursosbrasil\includes\database.mysqli.inc on line 151.
* user warning: Unknown column 'v2v2term_node.tid' in 'on clause' query: SELECT DISTINCT(node.nid), usernode_users.name AS usernode_users_name, usernode_users.uid AS usernode_users_uid, v2node.nid AS v2node_nid FROM node node INNER JOIN usernode usernode ON node.nid = usernode.nid LEFT JOIN users usernode_users ON usernode.uid = usernode_users.uid INNER JOIN nodefamily nodefamily_child ON node.nid = nodefamily_child.child_nid LEFT JOIN node v2node ON nodefamily_child.parent_nid = v2node.nid LEFT JOIN term_node v2term_node ON v2node.nid = v2term_node.nid LEFT JOIN term_hierarchy v2term_hierarchy ON v2v2term_node.tid = v2term_hierarchy.tid WHERE (node.type IN ('usernode')) AND (v2term_node.tid IN ('3')) LIMIT 0, 10 in C:\xampp\htdocs\concursosbrasil\includes\database.mysqli.inc on line 151.

i did not define DISTINCT anywhere...



fago’s picture

Title: fusing problem from the issue http://drupal.org/node/112557 » taxonomy filters don't work with views_fusion

ah, the problem is the taxonomy filter. I've just noticed yesterday that it does currently not work with views_fusion. I'll post a patch for views soon..

fago’s picture

It's done.. views issue: http://drupal.org/node/125849

Operations-1’s picture

fago... you are the best man... never seen anyone help so fast than you... thanks

you said that the patch is at http://drupal.org/node/125849 and it "also applies to 5.x (with offset)"... what is offset?

also, i have problems to patch because im using windows... so i have to patch it by hand... do you know any program used to patch that works on windows?

jpetso’s picture

> you said that the patch is at http://drupal.org/node/125849 and it "also applies to 5.x (with offset)"... what is offset?

Offset is the distance to the usual thing. In this case, it means that the patch still applies, but needs to be a few lines lower or higher in the file in order to fit into it, because some other changes have deleted or added a few lines. Nothing to worry about.

> also, i have problems to patch because im using windows... so i have to patch it by hand... do you know any program used to patch that works on windows?

Surprise: people on Unix/Linux/MacOS also have to patch it manually! Granted, the "patch" command line tool is not installed by default. I think the easiest solution would be to install Cygwin and the "patch" ultilty with it. You can then apply the patch by entering the appropriate directory (in this case, the root directory of the Views module) and calling "patch -p0 < yourfile.patch".