Colorbox - open events in a lightbox

Drupal 6

  1. Install and enable colorbox
  2. Go to the "Style update" screen
  3. Select "Open events in colorbox" and adjust the settings


  • At the bottom there is a colorbox options where you can set the parameters for colorbox same as in d6.
  • Same as drupal 6 but the location of the settings in the views UI is different.


    • Version 1 and 2 have colorbox support but the build in support for version 1 is limited. It is advised to upgrade the fullcalendar module if you need this feature.
    • If you get an "empty" colorbox you probably need to recheck your selectors in the settings page. You need to fill in the css selector that contains the text you would like to show. This is different for every theme. This selector is from the destination page, which by default is the individual node view page. You can control what displays there on the 'display fields' (default) tab for your content type.
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