I was directed here when I was informed that IE doesn't support more than 31 style sheets. What I'm having trouble understanding is how this differs from the CSS minimization that takes place as part of the performance option, in Drupal core.

I know when we work in our Dev environment, and turn that portion of performance off, it breaks IE. It's necessary to do this though when we want to make changes to stylesheets, and need to discover WHICH stylesheet needs to be changed.

So, can you just explain your module on how it differs, enhances what is already in Drupal core because if this will make it possible to not have to turn it off every time we need to do dev work, that would be great.

Thanks. :)


donquixote’s picture

Component: Miscellaneous » Documentation

I added the answer to the module documentation page.

roseba’s picture

Grazie per tuo riposto.

I was asking about this, because when I'm working in Dev and on CSS specifically, I need to disable the optimization so I know what stylesheet I need to modify. But then of course IE blows up.

I would love to be able to select which stylesheets load first so that there is an appearance of loading faster.

donquixote’s picture


> I would love to be able to select which stylesheets load first so that there is an appearance of loading faster.

Changing the order of stylesheets can and very likely will break your layout. Not a good idea.
This module desperately tries to keep the stylesheets in the same order as they would be without it.

> But then of course IE blows up.

The purpose of this module is to not make IE blow up, if you disable aggregation.
However, not having aggregation enabled will always slow down first-time page loads.