The taxonomy title module was designed to update the H1 heading tag at the top of the taxonomy term page. The contents of this H1 (or sometimes H2) tag are *extremely* important for SEO (Search Engine Optimization) and this is the only module that let's you control that title (if you have not overridden the taxonomy page with another tool, like a view or a pannel.

Intended behavior:

When a taxonomy title is provided, the heading tag for the page, and the meta page title are both updated to use the title specified by this module.

Integration with Page Title module:

By enabling the Page title module, you'll notice that the meta page titles defined by Taxonomy Title are instantly disabled - and the defaults provided by the page title module are used instead. After configuring the page title module to use the tokens that are provided by the taxonomy title module (example: [term-title] | [site-name]) The meta page titles behave as you would expect again.


Anonymous’s picture

Why field length just 128 characters?
why not 256