Just ran into an issue where a bunch of problems where cropping up in my admin area when using the Tao reset theme and Rubik and I tracked it down to this module.

With IE unlimited enabled the admin area at: www.mysite.com/admin was displaying default bullets for list items which should not be there.
More fundamental, all collapsable fieldgroups in :


Were missing, unless I disabled javascript.
Hope that helps someone.


donquixote’s picture

very likely a conflict with different things writing on $vars['styles'].
can you do a bit of troubleshooting?
Check which modules and themes do *_preprocess_page() and tinker with $vars['styles']. Then check what finally ends up in $vars, when the page.tpl.php is called.
See also the notes on troubleshooting on the module page.

You could also try the IE CSS Optimizer module, and compare. Last time I checked, this module did the same technique of setting the $vars['styles'].

donquixote’s picture

sorry for letting this sleep for a long time.
Is this still an issue with the current version?