Yes - I hate pages where the audio starts automatically, too; but in this case I need to create a page for a client where the music comes on automatically.

The problem is that no matter how I start the mp3, there's no way to stop it. This is with 1pixeloutplayer or with the generic player.

Here's what happens: using 1pixelout, the music starts and then it starts again, while the track is playing. If the player is manually stopped, the second track continues, even if the player is "closed." Same basic behavior with the generic player, but with the generic, the music starts and when stopped, starts again unbidden. Once you start... you can't stop!

I've tried every possible combination - adding autostart=true to Flashvars in the flash file, using <swf file="file" "autostart=true"> changing the embedding settings, trying autostart on 1pixel out - it's all the same: either the track doesn't start at all, or I can't stop it.

This is a really annoying Klezmer track so I'm going completely out of my mind. I am trapped in Klezmer hell. I just upgraded to beta5 after I saw the same behavior in 2.5 - help! There's a corned beef sandwich in it for anybody who can help me to stop the madness... thanks!


bcobin’s picture

Further observation: With autoplay on, It seems like the mp3 audio starts right away and then starts again when 5 seconds or so of the audio is loaded. This is regardless of buffer settings. The first playback can be stopped using the player; the second continues - there's no way to stop it. This makes autoplay/autostart non-functional, at least in my case.

Audio module is not installed - this is using SWF Tools only; 1pixelout, WP audio and generic players all exhibit the same behavior and I've had the same performance from 2.5 to latest beta5, so this seems to have to do with the way SWFT handles mp3 files generally. I've "punted" for now by forcing manual start, but that's not the desired functionality here.

Anybody? Thanks!