The project homepage has a bit on the D7 version status - search for #D7CX.

New thread to escape the spamming.

If you don't have anything helpful to add to this thread, you're free to subscribe, but please don't post any harsh requests or your opinion on how late to the game we are. This is a spare time open source effort, not a paid business project.

Some (perhaps) useful information from the old thread:

#10: scroogie

The porting doesn't come for free, especially because modules that build the fundament of node gallery have changed heavily. The Database API, File API, CCK inclusion and change to Field API, imagecache inclusion, render array changes, etc. imply a *lot* of work.

#11: justintime

Don't forget that all the batch API stuff will need refactored as well.

#12: scroogie

True true. The update page is really insane this time:
On the other hand, there is a lot to look forward to as well. :)

#13: scroogie

Yesterday I read up on D7 a bit. I read through that update page for example. Some of the changes I didn't expect (permission specificiation, nodeapi, etc.). Will be even more work than I thought. Just to keep it on the radar, it would be great if we could make the Gallery <-> Image relationship a proper Drupal object in the D7 version. It bugs me that it's not a real field in D6. Perhaps something reusable comes out of
Otherwise we can check how taxonomy is implemented in D7.

#14: dddave

Just as a heads-up in case you haven't seen it already:

#20: scroogie

I'd like to keep this postponed, so we can drop some notes and thoughts here now and then. There are many articles about D7 right now, which might lead to ideas we can build upon later.

To reinforce the point in #13, I really think we should employ the entity/bundle concept that Drupal 7 introduces. There is many related talk. I hope it's okay if I store some links here:

Drupal Entities - Part 2 - The what, where and when of Entities

Drupal has some (entity) relationship issues

How Drupal 7 Fields are changing the way you write modules

The message module might be a good example for a module ported to entity API

#23: scroogie

A 6-3.0 version of Node Gallery is not far out at all. We only have a clear picture of how our versioning should go. We have some things to straighten out before we release a beta version, which is really close. This is only because we don't want beta versions to break because of new functionality or showstopper bugs. This doesn't mean that 3.x-dev is currently unstable. Versioning isn't linear. In my opinion, we're just two issues away from beta. You can follow our development here: #687848: Status of Node Gallery 3.x.

After that, we only have documentation and testing that seperate us from a final release. The community can really help us with that. It's easy to write a small paragraph of how you can create a certain configuration or type of gallery, but it's exactly what we need right now. Once that is done, we can concern ourselves with the 7.x version. So the more people help, the faster it will go.

On a more general note, the work on a 6.x version is not lost in terms of Drupal 7. We learn a lot while developing 3.x, which will directly improve the version for D7. As already mentioned, the D7 version will also require some architectural rethinking, which might depend on other modules. E.g. doesn't have a release at all yet.

#24: justintime

Just some notes to store for later when we actually have time to look into D7:

I tried using Jimmy's sweet update tool at but it produced an empty tar.gz. I emailed him, and got this back:

The error occurred because you have a reference to imagecache_presets() in
your hook_theme(). Coder Upgrade does a PHP eval() on this hook to get back
the theme items. This is an admittedly opportunistic approach which usually
succeeds but fails in this case.

I commented out the foreach loop with imagecache_presets() and reran the
module. The output is attached. You can do the same and rerun it on the
upgrade site (if you want).

So, we just need to comment out that foreach to get the tool to do it's thing.


scroogie’s picture

So the reason I'm updating this is that I had some (recently quite rare) spare time today to invest into Node Gallery. Out of curiosity, I invested this into D7 after updating the issues of NG3.

I thought about the issues we have had in NG3, and how we could further improve on our way to NG for d7. Here are some unordered comments:
- Field API should facilitate a lot of stuff for us: creation, modification, display, etc. Particularly, I hope that the manage images page will be easier to implement.

- The big point: I'm not sure that Galleries should be nodes in D7. I'd expect more advantages if we implement them as entities. The Entity API module makes implementing entities nearly as easy as defining node types. We would also escape some problems, e.g. how to handle revisions, promote to frontpage, sticky, date changed, translation, embedding the view, hierarchies, the cover image and so on. With a custom entity, we would have the freedom to create this in a clear way (with Entity API helping us to avoid code duplication). The model also gives us some nice flexibility, e.g. with the View modes and entity metadata, to let the Cover act nearly as a field, and to allow embedding a slideshow of the gallery through view modes.

Of course we would need to brainstorm this before we actually invest in that direction, as I don't have enough experience in D7 yet either. But I can imagine the following: NG defines galleries as a custom entity, and the relationship is replaced by a bundle called 'Gallery Type'. The Gallery Type holds all information that the relationship held until now, and is of course fieldable. In particular, it holds the settings for display, view, and the allowed node types that can act as "items" of this gallery. On installation, it creates a default gallery type for images, same as now in D6, but users are free to create gallery types for arbitrary node types, e.g. exploiting the media or video module. I'd in fact think that we would build in some additional functionality for media module galleries, but this could go in at a later point.

techgirlgeek’s picture

Subscribing. Thanks for opening a new thread. The old one was < useful.

mattcasey’s picture

yay Drupal developers!

vitok-dupe’s picture


AdrianB’s picture


Jiri Volf’s picture


donSchoe’s picture

+1 :)

chris.slater’s picture


Doren Berge’s picture


EoinPaganus’s picture

Subscribing - Can't wait, thanks for all your efforts guys.

dddave’s picture

bit banger’s picture


yoyek’s picture


snovak’s picture


Rik’s picture


romakif’s picture


dreadlocks1221’s picture


verynic’s picture


yugongtian’s picture


Yannovitch’s picture

Yay ! +1000 for a NodeGallery for D7 module ! That would be just the perfect module for the art community website I have to build.
If you need any support, even financial, let us know.

Scott J’s picture

If I'm following your train of thought in correctly, wouldn't this module become a copy of Media gallery module?

justintime’s picture

@Scott J - IIRC, Media gallery module implements the structure of "Gallery as a node, media as fields on the gallery node". Node Gallery, as indicated by the name of the module, implements "Gallery as a node, Image as a node". There's a lot of things you can do with a node that you can't do with a field.

All that being said, we need to wrap up version 3 for D6 before we even start to think architecture for a possible D7 module.

nasi’s picture


rcco’s picture


TripX’s picture


keesee’s picture


pumpkinkid’s picture

Subscribe (and might I add, thanks for closing the old thread!) :-)

g76’s picture


TimelessDomain’s picture


rogical’s picture


Yorian’s picture

Subscribing, having a D7 version would really be amazing!
I'm not the best at programming for Drupal, I'm better at just normal programming in php, but if I can help just let me know

mooselimb’s picture

subscribing. When each image has exif data field-galleries don't help. The only solution is to have a node-gallery, where each image can retain all exif data which can be accessed as needed. If I could code I'd help. Good luck.

dddave’s picture


Sure you posted in the correct issue??

edit: I do have my own D7 install now so I am becoming more and more interested in a D7 version.

mooselimb’s picture

@dddave just expressing my use-case. A node-gallery for D7 where I can still use my Content-Type-fields (such as EXIFs) would help a lot.

rogical’s picture


mattwith’s picture

+ 1, I would definitely like to see a D7 version of this great module!

parasox’s picture

Perhaps some D7 text on the module's main page would be in order, just a sentence about the state of D7 and the maintainer's restated thoughts on the matter. Here paste this:

D7 Version

Node Gallery is currently D6 only, with no D7 module in the works just yet. When NG 3.x is fully stable and developed, we will consider working on a D7 version. Until then, please see #1087730: Node Gallery: Drupal 7.x version for any updates or progress.

rogical’s picture

Hope to see the D7 branch soon. As D7 has gone to the 4th release, many users old or new would use it.

And lots of modules would focuse on the development of D7, while less on D6 version.

blenny’s picture


jphautin’s picture


dddave’s picture

Priority: Minor » Normal

I would like to check out media_gallery but this currently doesn't work media 7.2x. So I cannot say if there is already a killer gallery solution for D7. Meh.

scroogie’s picture

There is some interesting development in D7 with and

Jean-Philippe Fleury’s picture


rainerdansseg’s picture


claar’s picture


ducdebreme’s picture


Sylense’s picture


nyoz’s picture


soumn’s picture


yoyek’s picture


Naturalist’s picture

Is this abandoned? I don't see anything being done. I thought there were donations on this and I don't see that anymore. Need to know. Have several sites that use node gallery.

dddave’s picture

NG isn't abandoned. justintime is taking some time off to recharge his batteries. ATM it wouldn't be a good time to start with NG for D7 as we have to see how media module becomes stable (huge sprint ongoing atm). Media module is the most important and advanced media handling module for D7 and we have to see how NG can fit in.

Btw: There were never any donations for a D7 version.

Yorian’s picture


Since it looked like there wasn't going to be a drupal 7 release of this module any time soon and I did need something like this I wrote a very simple module myself. It is definitely not fully finished, a lot of polishing needs to be done, but it works nonetheless.

It works fairly simple:
1) You create a content type (needs to be done programmatically, but isn't yet right now) for the album containing the media. There needs to be a field in the album content type to which the images would go (and hopefully videos in the future as well).

2) You create a content type (also needs to be done programmatically, but isn't yet right now) for the media itself. This would need the reference module to reference the album which it is part of.

3) You create an album and upload all the images that are part of it

4) The module removes all the images from the album, creates new nodes containing the images and links them to the album.

5) Using views you can create your own nice album with images as nodes.

The code I used for this:

 * @file
 * Aids in creating a media album with the media as nodes
 * Created by Yorian

 * Implementation of hook_node_presave()
function yorian_media_album_node_presave($node){
	if($node->form_id == 'media_album_node_form'){
		$field = $node->field_album_media;
		$images = $field['und'];
		$fids = array();
		foreach($images as $image){
			$fids[] = $image['fid'];
		$images = implode(', ', $fids);
		$node->field_album_media = array('und' => array());
		$image_data_sql = 'SELECT
							fid IN (' . $images . ')';
		$image_data = db_query($image_data_sql);
		$images = array();
		foreach ($image_data as $row){
			$images[] = array(	'fid' => $row->fid,
								'uid' => $row->uid,
								'filename' => $row->filename,
								'uri' => $row->uri,
								'filemime' => $row->filemime,
								'filesize' => $row->filesize,
								'status' => $row->status,
								'timestamp' => $row->timestamp,
								'type' => $row->type);
		variable_set('media_album_image_data', $images);

 * Implementation of hook_node_insert
function yorian_media_album_node_insert($node){
	if($node->type == 'media_album'){
		$images = variable_get('media_album_image_data', $images);
		create_image_nodes($images, $node->nid);

 * creates the nodes containing the images
function create_image_nodes($images, $node_ref_id){
	$base_path = '/sites/default/files/';
	foreach($images as $image){
		$path = $base_path . $image['uri'];
		$filetitle = 'test';
		$filename = $image['filename'];
		$node = new StdClass();
		// A lot of work needs to be done to make it work a lot nicer, it works for now

		$node->title = $image['filename'];
		$node->uid = $image['uid'];
		$node->status = $image['status'];
		$node->type = 'media_item';
		$node->language = 'und';
		$node->field_media_item = array(
		    'und' => array(
		        0 => array(
		            'fid' => $image['fid'],
		            'filename' => $image['filename'],
		            'filemime' => $image['filemime'],
		            'uid' => $image['uid'],
		            'uri' => $image['uri'],
		            'status' => $image['status']
		$node->field_media_album = array(
		    'und' => array(
		        0 => array(
		            'nid' => $node_ref_id

As I said it is very crude code which needs quite a bit of work to make it work nicer, for the meanwhile I hope this helps the ones in need of a gallery with the images as nodes.

dqd’s picture

Do I understand sth completely wrong on D7 ? I didn't read any word about entities?

Sorry 4 asking ...

sachbearbeiter’s picture

+1 for concentrating on media module

erlendoos’s picture

+1.000.000 (for a drupal7 version of this module)

justintime’s picture

For anyone that didn't see my blog post to Drupal Planet:

zeezhao’s picture

re: media_gallery, got it to work - see

rurri’s picture


y.anvesh’s picture

Looking for D7 version of node gallery.

Oleg2007’s picture

Subscribing. Looking for D7 version of node gallery too.

Anonymous’s picture

I am a big fan of node gallery for D6. I look forward to seeing its D7 release, and want to thank those working to make this happen.

RedRat’s picture

Just hope to see 7.x release...

keesee’s picture

I'll be releasing a feature in early march that attempts to fill this GAP for 7. Its build on features, ctools, references, views, plupload and rules.

I'm still working out the bugs and fine tuning css etc. but here are the features I've had a moment to get in there so far.
---- Image galleries and images are entities
---- sort the order of your galleries (AHAH)
---- add images to galleries. single image for or drop and drag many files using plupload.
---- different gallery view modes selected on gallery creation/edit. This will require jqfx, imageflow, galleria, and nivo slider
---- select cover for galleries
---- Order images within a gallery (AHAH)

Unfortunately you won't be able to set multiple gallery image relationships from the start. I'm not very Savvy with build out drupal administration screens. I'll get it out asap but I'm only able to chug away at it a few minutes a day and in coulpe hour blocks on the weekends.

Québec’s picture

Hoping for a D7 version of the great module!

Thanks to all who will input time and efforts to make this happen.

patoshi’s picture


alauzon’s picture


fyl’s picture

Every time I go looking for an answer to an upgrade of my site in D5 ( to D7 I get stuck on the gallery issue. I see D6 as a dead end and converting what I have to something in D6 seems like just creating a future mess to deal with.

There seems to be a lot of interest in this module. What would it take to get someone "inspired" to do the work? While I could do it, it would be a lot of D7 internals learning that I really don't need to know for anything else. If someone came forward where this work would fit into their "life", I expect we could raise some $ to help "inspire" them.

PDR’s picture

I agree with #68, the Node Gallery module is extremely useful and sorely missed in Drupal 7, there is really nothing out there still to replace it, which is a major shame.

I too think there should be enough people willing to pay to see this module competently ported to D7, how to go by in finding somebody competent and willing to do it I am not sure though.

Maybe the porting of Node Gallery to D7 could become a Google Summer of Code project for some talented individual? I don't know if it would be too late for 2012 or how to find somebody that can do it, maybe there is somebody following this issue with good connections to push this through?

PDR’s picture

Okay, I see that the GSoC 2012 projects were just now announced, so that's out of the question.

RedRat’s picture

Good news! There is a man who willing to port module to D7, and even done some work for it:

patoshi’s picture

fyi, another great alternative to node gallery is field_slideshow. im using that in replacement of node gallery and provides pretty much the same features.

let me know if you found it useful or not.

zengenuity’s picture

Assigned: Unassigned » zengenuity
Status: Postponed » Active

I have created a new branch and started coding on a 7.x version of the module. It does not work yet, so don't bother trying to use it. I hope to have an alpha version out by mid-summer. I will update this issue as there is more to report.

PDR’s picture

zengenuity, are you still working on this?

zengenuity’s picture

Yes, I had to take a break from it for a couple weeks. Got kinda overwhelmed with it, and I had a project at work that I needed to attend to. The front-end stuff is mostly working (uploading, managing, sorting, browsing), but I took a wrong turn on the backend stuff, so I have to redo a decent amount of that. It'll probably be another 2-3 weeks before I have an alpha version ready.

scroogie’s picture

The backend design was one of the reasons why I didn't continue with my D7 port. I couldn't decide how to best use entities, entity bundles and fields. Or to be more specific: I wanted to get most out of using these systems for NG, but didn't have enough time to try the different possibilities out. In the end, I'd have settled for gallery relationships as entity bundles and galleries as simple custom entities. But then I couldn't evaluate all the possibilities for the node <-> gallery relation. I wanted to have a generic solution for all entity types and wanted something very natural to drupal ("drupalish"), but even there you have many options like relation, entity reference, references, entity relationship, etc. pp.

So long story short: I'm curious what you chose in the end. Do you have your code in git somewhere?

zengenuity’s picture

Yes, it's been tough. I've actually done it 2 or 3 different ways so far. I did a straight port and then I created my own entities, but both of those solutions required me to provide UX elements for both single and multiple gallery posting. (Multiple gallery posting should be possible in the new version.) That's not a huge deal, but it seemed stupid since EntityReference already does this exact thing. So, then I got seduced into copying the model that OG uses in the 2.x series. It's an entity reference field, with backend storage as your own entities. It's got some advantages. First, you don't have to worry about UX and limiting entity/bundle types. You can leave that to the entity reference field. It can handle cardinality, too. By creating your own entities, you limit the downside of entity reference, which is that they aren't fieldable. Node Gallery needs one field, weight, on any relationship it makes. So, it can't be done with entity reference alone. The one major thing I did not notice in OG before I copied this approach was that the specification of bundle types in entity reference for gallery<->node is a per-field setting, not per-instance. So, although my current code works, I can't properly specify multiple relationship types and limit the bundle types for each one. Ugh. When I got to that point, I decided I had to step away for a couple weeks.

The code is in git here on d.o. It probably will not work if you just download it. I have put no effort into making it install out of the box yet. It does work on my dev site (with the limitation above). Some highlights:

* The admin interface and user-facing tabs all mostly work. The jquery ui stuff doesn't work yet, but Manage, Sort and Upload tabs work. The browser strip with forward/back works, the single gallery view works.
* I've started the process of breaking the module in two. Node Gallery API and Node Gallery. The first one will allow people to install and manually create their own views, fields, content types, etc. At the moment, both are required for anything to work, though.
* Node Gallery is agnostic about files. I have the uploader working, including Plupload. But, my intention is not to require file upload. So, if you want to have a gallery of nodes that are written documents (poetry maybe?), you can do it.
* I'm using view modes in D7 to define the rendering, which means that I don't have to care about images vs videos. I will probably have to add some out-of-the-box functionality for images, but users will be able to reconfigure their view modes to make the nodes render differently if they want.
* When used with the File Entity module, you can mix images and videos, podcasts, etc in a single gallery. I have this working in my dev environment. It's a little tricky to set up, because you have to manage the view modes of all the file types in addition to the content type, but it can be done. It's slick, though, once you get it working. You can throw a bunch of mixed file types in Plupload, upload them all, and everything works like you think it should. Video players for videos, image styles for images.

I'm in the middle of another project at work, and I have a family visit next week. So, realistically, it'll be two weeks before I get back to this. But, my game plan to get this finished is to first try and salvage the solution I have. Maybe there is a way to make the bundle limitations work that I didn't see before. If not, then I think I'm going to give Relation module a try. I was reluctant initially to build a Relation dependency into this module because a) it doesn't provide a field-type UX for adding and removing relations between gallery and node, b) the admin interface is very complex...much more intimidating than Node Gallery's admin interface, and c) Relation doesn't have a "UI" module to switch off to make its interface go away. But, the advantages of Relation are: a) It does have the complete specification of entity/bundle type restrictions that we need for relation types, b) Relations are fieldable, so I can add the weight field that we need, and c) If I switch to Relation, I could eliminate most of the CRUD code from this module. After spending some time with this, I think this last one is a big plus. Node Gallery's major advantage over other gallery solutions is the UX. So, there's an opportunity here to become a UX-only module. Relation handling basic CRUD, File Entity and View Modes handling the display, Node Gallery tying it all together with some out-of-the-box functionality and Views-based interfaces. That feels like the Drupaly way to do things, and if it reduces the amount of code I have to maintain, it will be easier for me to keep up.

So, this was longer than I intended, but that's where I am right now. The code is in git if you want to check it out, but I doubt it works out of the box. I'm sure I haven't coded in the dependencies yet, so make sure to download Entity Reference and File Entity if you want to give it a go.

scroogie’s picture

This really resembles my difficulties when trying to conceive an architecture for NG for D7. Thanks a lot for your detailed description. I'm really busy this weekend, but I'll try to take a look at your code.
I think your current approach seems very sensible.

> The one major thing I did not notice in OG before I copied this approach was that the specification of
> bundle types in entity reference for gallery<->node is a per-field setting, not per-instance. So, although my
> current code works, I can't properly specify multiple relationship types and limit the bundle types for each
> one

I don't understand that completely. Can't a relationship be resembled by a field then (instead of an instance)?

> c) If I switch to Relation, I could eliminate most of the CRUD code from this module.

Is there so much CRUD code? Last time I looked, entity API provided many helpful abstract functionality, so I thought one wouldn't need to write so much.

stewarttate’s picture


zengenuity’s picture

> I don't understand that completely. Can't a relationship be resembled by a field then (instead of an instance)?

Sort of. An Entity Reference field has config info in it for which entity types and bundles are allowed. These are used to build the list of available options. It also has multiple widgets, so if the user wants to use autocomplete instead of a select box, all that is built in. It also handles cardinality. But, the config for type/bundle targeting is set at the field level, and not the instance level. So, if you have the "node_gallery_ref" field on Image content type and Video content type, you cannot target different gallery content types with each one. (Image Gallery and Video Gallery, for example)

When I get back to the this, the first thing I need to check is whether there is a way to hook into the node target list build process. If so, I might be able to add my additional restrictions there. If that doesn't work, it would also be possible to create a different field for each relationship type. (Terminology note: what you called a "relationship", I'm calling a "relationship type". Then, a "relationship" is the actual link between nodes.) That's what I was playing with when I stopped. It's not quite as clean, but I think if I allow multiple endpoints for a relationship type (multiple gallery types, multiple item types), then 99% of sites would only ever need one relationship type, and it's not a big deal with the multiple fields. I can create the fields automatically, so most users will never know anything about it.

> Is there so much CRUD code? Last time I looked, entity API provided many helpful abstract functionality, so I thought one wouldn't need to write so much.

Not really, but it feels like re-inventing the wheel to make a system for linking one node to another. There are so many ways already.

scroogie’s picture

If that doesn't work, it would also be possible to create a different field for each relationship type. (Terminology note: what you called a "relationship", I'm calling a "relationship type". Then, a "relationship" is the actual link between nodes.) That's what I was playing with when I stopped. It's not quite as clean, but I think if I allow multiple endpoints for a relationship type (multiple gallery types, multiple item types), then 99% of sites would only ever need one relationship type, and it's not a big deal with the multiple fields. I can create the fields automatically, so most users will never know anything about it.

Yes, this is what I meant. In the old NG terminology, every ER field would be a relationship (as it represents the possibility to relate two entities of these types).

To be honest, I think its actually cleaner to have seperate fields for different relationships (or relationship types as you say). If you think of extending the module programatically, I think it is better to be able to access the references "per relationship type". In this case, you just take the value of the specific ER field (the relationship object will store the identifier of the field somewhere). If the same field stores values for different relationships, it would be more difficult to distinguish them programatically.

fugazi’s picture

I also thank you for the Great information. I wait too much to upgrade to Drupal 7 I've seen the last of the state of the sandbox is 26/04/2012. Are there newer versions that I also might help in testing.

Node Gallery module is the last thing I miss for Drupal7. I am grateful for the support of the modules. I am glad that it is maintained.

Thank you very much

ducdebreme’s picture


Québec’s picture

I'm no coder and I'm not shure that I can be of any good at testing, but I can translate NG D7 to french.

sparker888’s picture


zengenuity’s picture

Version: 6.x-3.x-dev » 7.x-1.x-dev

I've just posted an initial 7.x-1.x-dev release for Node Gallery. At this point, the advanced features and integrations with other modules do not work, but the basic mechanics of making a gallery of nodes does work. Code still needs a lot of cleanup, as well. I'm hoping some people will help me test this and (fingers crossed) submit patches for some of the pieces that are not totally working. I would not recommend installing this in production yet.

The module has now been split into two pieces:

  • Node Gallery API: All the functional code is in this module, but installing this alone will not set up any content types, views or NG relationship types. You would use this by itself if you wanted to totally customize everything from scratch.
  • Node Gallery: This module will install the Gallery and Gallery Item content types, it will set up a default NG relationship type between them, and it will install views similar to those found in the D6 version of this module. This is your out-of-the-box gallery solution. This module depends on NG API module.

Here are the things that are currently working:

  • All the back-end admin interfaces except those listed below in the (not working) section.
  • Default content types and views with Node Gallery module.
  • The front-end admin pages (Manage Items, Sort Items, Upload Items)
  • Plupload integration

Additionally, here are some new features of the 7.x version of this module:

  • Support for file types other than images: This doesn't work out of the box, but the module depends on File Entity module, which allows you configure a single file field display for various file types. Because I don't want to take sides on which video and audio players are the best, I'm not packaging multi-media galleries out-of-the-box. But, I will post instructions shortly on how to set them up. I have them working on my dev site.
  • Support for no file field at all: The module is now agnostic about content in your nodes. It sets up a view mode for "Node Gallery Display" and sets some defaults. (which work for images) However, you are free to reconfigure as you wish. So, if you wanted to have no file field...maybe for a gallery of poetry or something...this is now possible.
  • Multiple content types can be used as gallery and gallery item types: This means if you wanted to have a content type "image" and another one for "video", they both could be posted to a single gallery type "gallery". Personally, I think the single type/field and handling display with File Entity is cleaner, but I can imagine use cases where you might want this capability.

Here are the things that I know are currently not working. I would really love to have some help with these.

  • jQuery UI: I haven't touched this at all. So, jQuery UI sorting is missing and the back-end admin options for jQuery UI are all non-functional. I am not a major javascript guy, so this one is particular I'd love to have help with.
  • Javascript for Manage Image page and Keyboard Shortcuts: I haven't touched these. So, live preview of image rotations doesn't work, though the rotations work on submit. Keyboard shortcuts don't work.
  • Stray error messages: There are a few error messages showing up here and there. They do not seem to be causing functional problems, but I'd love to have some help running down the source of them.
  • Help text and README.txt: I haven't touched these at all, so they are out of date.
  • Upgrade from D6 version: I don't personally have a need for this, as I only have a couple small sites using the D6 version now. I really hope someone will step and take this task on
  • OG Integration: I commented most of this functionality out as I doing the upgrade, but I'll go back and get this working soon.
  • Actions: This looks pretty simple to update, I just haven't gotten to it. Patches welcome.

If you're willing to help test and/or patch, grab the dev release from the module page or git, and start submitting new specific issues as you find them. (Please don't add new issues to this thread.)


scroogie’s picture

I'm very impressed with your work zengenuity. The architecture now seems better than ever, thanks to the possibilities of Drupal 7 and your great refactoring! I think the flexibility of File Entity is a great fit, and that the module is agnostic to the content is perfect as well. I mean, that was the reason it was called "Node" gallery in the first place! Thanks a lot.

If you want, I will tackle any remaining js issues. The problem is that I probably won't find time until next week, though.

zengenuity’s picture

I would definitely appreciate some help on js stuff. Also, you reminded me in the other issue thread that the "create gallery from uploads" wizard is missing. So, if you (or anyone else) wants to tackle that, it'd be great.

heretic381’s picture

Great. Finally a real gallery module for Dupal 7. I'll check it soon. Cheers :)

quicksketch’s picture

Status: Active » Fixed

Great work @zengenuity! Overall the code looks fantastic. I'm using this on a project currently and the D7 port has saved me a huge amount of time. I'll be filing some issues for you. Thanks! Mind if I mark this issue fixed? Let's use separate issues from here on out. The module right now seems to work quite effectively.

First issue for me: #1792192: Upgrade path from Drupal 6 (3.x) to Drupal 7 (1.x) version

Status: Fixed » Closed (fixed)

Automatically closed -- issue fixed for 2 weeks with no activity.

Anonymous’s picture

Issue summary: View changes

Added snippet about project page #D7CX per webchick's blog post.