reference: http://svcs.net
Switched over from zeropoint to smokers. Like the colors and typography better.
Want to be able to switch logo for different path aliases (group sections e.g biysig, disig, winsig).
Tried implementing D6 recommendations from http://drupal.org/node/154099, inserting following in template.php:

function smokers_preprocess(&$variables, $hook) {
        if ((arg(0) == 'biysig')) {// changes the logo and site name when viewing blogs
        $variables['logo'] = '/files/images/logos/biysig_logo3.png'; // change the site logo
      elseif ((arg(0) == 'websig')) { // changes the logo and site name when viewing images
        $variables['logo'] = '/files/images/logos/websig_logo3.png'; // change the site logo
      elseif ((arg(0) == 'winsig')) { // changes the logo and site name when viewing admin pages
        $variables['logo'] = '/files/images/logos/winsig_logo3.png'; // change the site logo

Could not get logo to switch.
Any suggestions.
BTW, was able to change logo using custom subthemes.
