
Last updated on
14 October 2016

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There is a lot of talk about chaining database api functions together, for example:

$result = db_select('mytable')
  ->condition('myfield', 'myvalue')

However not all functions can be chained together in this manner without causing your code to break.

Functions that cannot be chained together have to be done like this:

$query = db_select('mytable');
$query->addField('mytable', 'myfield', 'myalias');
$query->addField('mytable', 'anotherfield', 'anotheralias');
$result = $query->condition('myfield', 'myvalue')

For a function to be chain-able its return value must be the query object itself for a function acting on the query object. You may also append a result set function after execute() such as fetchField() as in this example:

$number_of_records = db_select('mytable')
  ->condition('myfield', 'myvalue')

To find out the return value of any of the database API functions check out

This page is here as a quick guide to which functions can and can not be chained.
The lists are not yet exhaustive lists but cover a lot of the commonly used functions.
Please feel free to add to these lists.

Note: If a function is not chain-able it means you cannot chain more functions after it. You can still chain functions before it.

Functions that can be chained:

Functions that cannot be chained:

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