1 person on Drupal.org

Organization type

Software/tool vendor


Los Angeles, CA

Inveniem, (Latin for ‘you will find’), is an archiving and technology company that works directly with artists, record labels, estates, brands, sports teams, and individual celebrities on finding, organizing, preserving, and monetizing their artifacts and history. Inveniem’s overarching message to its clients is Your Past Is Your Future™ and this philosophy sets the tone for how the company partners with its clients to use the archiving process and Inveniem’s proprietary technology platform to both preserve legacies and connect clients deeper with their fans.

We can't tell you too much about the Inveniem brand because its client base is confidential. What we can tell you is Inveniem's clients include some of the most important names in entertainment over the 20th and 21st Centuries, and the company's core service is building of a client's collection of work and generating significant, additional income from these collections. Inveniem's formula: find, preserve, archive, monetize.

Credited on 2 security advisories in the past 12 months

Credited on 1 issue fixed in the past 3 months