Experimental project

This is a sandbox project, which contains experimental code for developer use only.

A Capture+ (by Postcode Anywhere) integration module.

This module extends the default form api with an extra element called 'capture_plus'.
If you implement this field in one of your own forms you can use the functionality provided by Capture+ to look up any address based on what the user is typing. This can be anything from postcode to company name. A demo of Capture+ is avaliable here.
The field will return the full response given by Capture+ in the form values once completed.
There are also some extra javascript events added to the field that allow you to override/extend the default behaviour.

An example module is included to showcase the basic usage. It also has some extra information on how to configure the service on the PostcodeAnywhere website and adds an example on how to override the default javascript behaviour.

You can view the code on: http://drupalcode.org/sandbox/wesleydv/2112333.git/tree/refs/heads/6.x-1.x

Development sponsored by Capgemini.

Project information

  • Created by wesleydv on , updated