Radios to Slider

The Radios to Slider module — is a new module that allows content managers to have a widget that renders the list options as a radios slider for the List fields, including the referenced types as lists provided from Taxonomy vocabularies. The module uses the Radios to Slider external library. You can see an example here.


  • Allow to use the Radios to Slider plugin for select radios options field on any fieldable entity type.
  • Provides a Webform Element that uses the Radios to Slider plugin to apply the same effect for the radios options.


Install the module, then load the following libraries:

How to use

  1. Go to the Manage form display page of the entity type with Select list radios options
  2. Select the "Radios to slider" widget type
  3. Use the widget's settings for applying custom widget effects.
  4. Known Issue: The module doesn't work well for List fields that can hold more than one value, we are looking on that.
Supporting organizations: 
Developed and maintaining the module.

Project information
