Queue UI

A user interfaces for viewing and managing Drupal queues created via the Queue API, which began in Drupal 7.


  • View queues and number of items
  • Developers can define meta info about queues they create and process
  • Process queue with Batch API
  • Process queue during cron
  • Remove leases
  • Delete queue

Drupal 8

QueueUI has an 8.x-2.x branch, and dev releases will be packaged while D8 evolves. The port works with all Drupal 8 base functionality. There's a plugin system so other contributed modules could use the Queue Inspection.

Drupal 7


Module development sponsored by Growing Venture Solutions, Capgemini UK and Nascom


  • Queue Order - a tiny module that allows the control execution order of defined queue workers by the Cron handler. Queue UI module provides UI elements to handle Queue Order module configuration.
Supporting organizations: 
Initiation, Architecture, Implementation, Maintenance
Initiation, Architecture, Implementation, Maintenance

Project information
