CKEditor 5 Icons: A fast & native Font Awesome icon picker

8 people starred this project

This is a fast and native Font Awesome icon picker for CKEditor 5, built using CKEditor 5's modern TypeScript plugin APIs and designed to

Feature Flags

13 people starred this project

What is Feature Flags?

Bunny Stream

3 people starred this project

This module integrates Drupal Media with the Stream service of to upload


4 people starred this project

Provides a notification service for Symfony Messenger messages.

Bundle Class Attributes

11 people starred this project

Allows bundle classes to be configured using attributes.

Common Stamps

1 people starred this project

Provides Symfony Messenger stamps related to core or simple functionality,

Pusher mini: authentication for Pusher protocol

1 people starred this project

Pusher Mini is featured in a blog post about receiving notifications:

Symfony Messenger + Drupal: Realtime Queues and Cron

20 people starred this project

This project integrates the Symfony Messenger component with Drupal.

Symfony Messenger Doctrine Transport

1 people starred this project

This project is moving to

Content Model & Site Documentation

36 people starred this project

Content Model Documentation's intent is to surface both the content model and

File Hash

29 people starred this project

Hashes of uploaded files, which can be found on a variety of sites from to, allow files to be uniquely identifi

Datetime Range Timezone

12 people starred this project

Adds a new field type based on the DateRangeItem in core which allows you to select the timezone when entering the date.

Moderate diff

2 people starred this project

This module makes it so a content moderator can approve or reject content updates from the diff page.

Nostr internet identifier NIP-05

2 people starred this project

With this module you can setup Nostr internet identifiers on your server.

Single File Components

74 people starred this project

The Single File Components module allows developers to provide frontend components in a single file.


38 people starred this project

Read the blog post: A modern alternat


4 people starred this project

This modules allows you to implement Drupal hooks with object-orientated classes, this has a number of benefits:

Notification framework

1 people starred this project

This sandbox contains a work in progress effort to open source functionality extracted from a custom project and being repurposed into a

Log Events

1 people starred this project

Provides a generic event log. Currently integrations with login activity events only.

Guzzle Cache

7 people starred this project

Provides a Drupal cache backend for Kevinrob/guzzle-cache-mi


2 people starred this project

This module enables event support to RSS feeds by providing a views row plugin.

Preserve Changed Timestamp

12 people starred this project


Entity Editor Tabs

14 people starred this project

Entity Editor Tabs improves the text labels of tabs on entities, such as Node.

Scheduled Transitions + Moderation Sidebar integration

1 people starred this project

Integrates Scheduled Transitions with


7 people starred this project

Authman allows a Drupal site to act as an OAuth 2 Client.


82 people starred this project

Drupal integration for DropzoneJS - an open source li

AWS Secrets Manager

5 people starred this project

AWS Secrets Manager

Permissions UI READONLY

2 people starred this project

Treat Permission UI page as Readonly Overview by disabling submit button. Additional permission used as trigger.


10 people starred this project

OH is an alternative office hours / opening hours solution.


2 people starred this project

Integrates Libravatar services into the

Views Entity Operation Access

19 people starred this project

Provides a Views access control plugin checking if the user can perform an operation on an entity by adding an appropriate entity parameter...


92 people starred this project

Key provides the ability to improve Drupal security by managing sensitive keys (such as API and encryption keys). It gives site...

Preview Link

33 people starred this project

Provides a preview link that is tokenised, and therefore bypasses access control to allow any user to view the latest revision of an enti

Webform SendGrid

1 people starred this project

Provides integration between Webform and

Entity Link Template Condition

4 people starred this project

This project provides a condition which matches when the current request represents a route of an entity link template.

Username Enumeration Prevention

56 people starred this project

Username Enumeration Prevention is a project which aims to mitigate common ways of anonymous users identifying valid usernames on a Drupal...

oEmbed Providers

42 people starred this project

The oEmbed Providers module extends core's oEmbed functionality:

Layout Builder Claro

25 people starred this project

An opinionated attempt at making the transition between the Claro admin theme and a custom themes Layout Builder pages smoother.


5 people starred this project

Provides link checking functionality for link entities.

Mail Entity Queue

2 people starred this project

This module provides a queues based system to manage mails.

Entity Usage

139 people starred this project

This module provides a tool to track entity relationships in Drupal.

Entity Route Context

12 people starred this project

'Node from URL', but for the rest of us. This project provides a service and context to determine if the current route match is...

Scheduled Transitions

42 people starred this project

Users may select a specific revision, and it will be changed to a different moderation state at a specified date.

Recurring Date Field Modular Widgets

32 people starred this project

Provides a framework for developing widgets for Recurring Dates Field<

Drupal LMS

2 people starred this project

The Drupal LMS is a Learning Management System started as a fork of Opigno LMS distribution.

Fieldable Path

15 people starred this project

The module contains a field type which provides 1:1 reflection of "path" property (defined in entities to determine their human-readable

Force TFA

2 people starred this project

This module is a helper module for Two Factor Authentication (https://www.dru

Multiple Fields Remove Button

49 people starred this project

Drupal core provides functionality to add multiple fields into node form by using "Add another item", but Drupal does not facilitate remo

Admin Denied

12 people starred this project

It's so easy to work on Drupal as user 1, but bad practice as you might miss any permissions problems that could occur for other users.


6 people starred this project

Features: Lightweight share and embed No authentication / API configuration needed.
