PWA - Progressive Web App

139 people starred this project

What is a Progressive Web App?

Elysia Cron

42 people starred this project

Elysia Cron extends Drupal standard cron, allowing a fine grain control over each task and several ways to add custom cron jobs to your...


19 people starred this project

The Pager module provides simple in-page Prev and Next navigation links with respective images.


121 people starred this project



214 people starred this project

Drupal Gutenberg is an editor that brings the powerful admin features of the


52 people starred this project

HAX (Headless Authoring eXperience) is a web compone


189 people starred this project

Tome is a static site generator, and a static storage system for content.

Elastic Email

10 people starred this project

Elastic Email is a mail relay service. That is, instead of your website sending mail via its own SMTP server, outgoing email is directed...

Drupal core

385 people starred this project


214 people starred this project

The Rules module allows site administrators to define conditionally executed actions based on occurring events (known as reactive or ECA...


8 people starred this project

Browscap provides an improved version of PHP's get_bro

Mobile Tools

2 people starred this project


Context Mobile Detect

6 people starred this project

This is a Context module which integrates Context and PHP Mobile Detect library


140 people starred this project

An Overview of Panels


110 people starred this project



4 people starred this project

What is Delta?

Views Reference Filter

43 people starred this project

This module provides the views filter for entity ID or entity reference fields:


19 people starred this project

Omega Five for Drupal 8 - (8.x-5.0-alpha7)


23 people starred this project

Zen is a modern, powerful, HTML5 starting theme with component-based CSS and a responsive, mobile-first grid design....


397 people starred this project

The Webform module allows you to build any type of form to collect any type of data, which can be submitted to any application or system.

Views Field View

104 people starred this project

There are a lot of cases in views where you want to embed a list inside each row. One example could be, you have a list of groups,

Commerce Kickstart

43 people starred this project

Commerce Kickstart is the fastest way to start building on Drup

Open Social

160 people starred this project

Community Engagement Platform

Workbench Moderation

43 people starred this project

Workbench Moderation adds arbitrary moderation states to Drupal core's "unpublished" and "published" node states, and affects the behavior...

File Entity Browser

69 people starred this project


Entity Browser

160 people starred this project

Goal of this module is to provide a generic entity browser/picker/selector.


406 people starred this project

Overview Paragraphs is the new way of content creation!