19 people starred this project

HTMX javascript library htmx/htmx in Drupal.

Multi-value form element

76 people starred this project

Provides a multi-value form element that wraps any number of form elements.

Calendar View

44 people starred this project

Building a Calendar in Drupal is now as easy as configuring a View!


27 people starred this project

✨ The integration between Drupal and Storybook

Vidstack Player

4 people starred this project

Drupal Module to provide integration of

Content templates

11 people starred this project

Content templates module provides a user-friendly and flexible solution for creating and managing custom templates to...

Coloris Color Selector

12 people starred this project

Field formatter and form element for the amazing "coloris" Color selector.

Recurring Dates Field

75 people starred this project

Recurring Dates Field provides a field type for Drupal, handling the storage of recurring dates and integrations around them.

Quick Links Kit

9 people starred this project

This is a configuration-only module that creates a system for managing links with SVG icons, designed to be shown in a block on the home

Innovation ideas

6 people starred this project

A place to propose innovative ideas for Drupal and give them visibility across the whole community.  Intro:

Let's Encrypt Challenge

4 people starred this project

This is a simple module that allows for a configuration of a Let's Encrypt challenge

CKEditor5 Embedded Content

34 people starred this project

This module allows content editors to insert rich and styled pieces of content into CKEditor5 without having to give them HTML ed...

Media View Display

1 people starred this project

This module allows for direct viewing of a file with the media id.

Content Synchronization

150 people starred this project

We’ve always had a challenge synchronizing content across Drupal environments.

Media Stream

1 people starred this project

Enables HTML5 audio and video formatters for link fields on Media entities.

CKEditor Accordion

48 people starred this project

Allows users to create & display content in an accordion.

Animate CSS

17 people starred this project

This module is to provide easy integration of Animate CSS, a bunch of cool, fun a

Layout Plugin Views

13 people starred this project

Panels used to have a views row plugin in Drupal 7 which allowed users to place view's fields on panels' layouts.

Paragraphs Collection

63 people starred this project

Paragraphs introduced a powerful plugin system to attach behaviors to paragraph types.

External Authentication

55 people starred this project



27 people starred this project

Textimage adds text to image functionality using GD2 and FreeType, enabling users to create crisp images on the fly for use as theme...

Profile Split Enable

4 people starred this project

This module allows you to dynamically enable and import configuration from a config split, based upon the currently enabled installation...

Commerce Migrate

20 people starred this project

Commerce Migrate is a general-purpose migration framework extending

Decoupled Menus

21 people starred this project

Provides HTTP interfaces for consuming Drupal managed menus.

Memcache API and Integration

56 people starred this project

7.x-1.7 regression If you're using the 7.x branch of Memcache, please be aware that 7.x-1.7 (released 16 July 2020) introduced an...


32 people starred this project

Social Tracking

6 people starred this project

This module provides an option to configure Facebook Pixel and Twitter conversion tracking in your site.

Community DACH

10 people starred this project

Combined efforts of the DACH Community to support and promote Drupal.

Decoupled Blocks

52 people starred this project

This module is a javascript-framework-agnostic, progressive decoupling tool to allow custom blocks to be written by front end developers

Open Social

159 people starred this project

Community Engagement Platform

Die in Twig

3 people starred this project

This module provides the functionality of stoping the execution of the script

Static Suite

32 people starred this project

A suite of modules to decouple Drupal and turn it into a static site, built by a Static Site Generator like Gatsby or Next.js. It exports...

Decoupled Menus Initiative

30 people starred this project

Initiative proposal can be found here: #3170260.

JS Component

12 people starred this project


Varbase - The Ultimate Drupal CMS Starter Kit (Bootstrap Ready)

172 people starred this project

Varbase comes with more than 100 features and enhancements to Drupal core.

Config Ignore Keys

13 people starred this project

Introduction Allows the developer to ignore particular keys in the configuration and not whole configuration files.

UI Patterns

178 people starred this project

Define and expose self-contained UI patterns as Drupal plugins and use them seamlessly in Drupal development and site-building. Also called...

Node Authorize Link

8 people starred this project

Generates links for view, edit, or delete content without login.

Stripe API

16 people starred this project


Foundation Layouts

9 people starred this project

This module integrates ZURB Foundation layout system with Drupal 8

HTTP/2 Server Push

42 people starred this project

HTTP/2 Server Push is declared dead on the web

Views Layout

68 people starred this project

A simple module to arrange Views results in a grid defined by a layout (requires the Layout Discovery module).


40 people starred this project

Payment is a generic payment platform which allows other modules to use any of the payment methods that plug into Payment.

ZURB Foundation

56 people starred this project

Do you like grid systems? How about rapid prototyping? Do you believe in mobile first? Then this theme is for you!

Recreate Block Content

48 people starred this project

This module recreates the Block Content for a exported Custom Block.

Swish payment

1 people starred this project

This project has a sibbling - Payment Swish - which implements Payment API.

Single Page Application Landing Page

35 people starred this project

This module provides a way for site managers to configure and serve single-page applications as pages in a Drupal site.

Drupal core - Configuration Management 2.0 initiative

51 people starred this project

Drupal 8's built-in config system is a HUGE step forward.


171 people starred this project

This module lets you craft and expose a GraphQL schema for Drupal 9 and 10.


391 people starred this project

The Webform module allows you to build any type of form to collect any type of data, which can be submitted to any application or system.
