Entity Translation Unified Form

29 people starred this project

Places all entity-translatable fields inline in a single form. Drupal 7 The Drupal 7 version is considered stable.

Options Table

15 people starred this project

Options Table module provides a Draggable Table widget as alternative to the core "Checkboxes / radio buttons" widget pr


93 people starred this project

The Entityqueue module allows users to create queues of any entity type.

Block Class Select

7 people starred this project

Block Class Select enhances the functionality provided by Block Class

Entity Usage Addons

15 people starred this project

Entity Usage Addons module provides: - A Usable service to get usage data.

Entity Browser Vertical

6 people starred this project


Paragraphs Edit

69 people starred this project

This module adds contextual links to paragraphs to edit, delete and clone paragaphs.

Route In Modal

5 people starred this project

Route in modal adds the ability to define routes that will be rendered within a modal window.

Layout Builder iFrame Modal

25 people starred this project

Render Layout Builder edit forms in an iframe, using the admin theme.

Inline Block Title Automatic

16 people starred this project

Block content entities in layout builder suffer from a minor UI headache with regards to titles.

Layout builder admin theme

29 people starred this project

The layout_builder_admin_theme module forces your Drupal site to use the admin theme when using layout builder.

Layout Builder Block Sanitizer

15 people starred this project


Paragraph blocks

61 people starred this project


Entity Browser Block Layout Builder

2 people starred this project

UX and CSS improvements to make it easier to use Entity Browser blocks in Layout Builder.

Block List Override

28 people starred this project

Remove unnecessary blocks from the block list for better system performance.

Layout Paragraphs

213 people starred this project

Layout Paragraphs provides an intuitive drag-and-drop experience for building flexible layouts with

Layout Builder Restrictions

113 people starred this project


Media Library Form API Element

51 people starred this project

This module provides a Form API element to select a Media entity from the Media Library.

Menu Item Extras

176 people starred this project

Menu Item Extras provides extra fields for the Menu Items without using additional entities. This module is NOT an alternative of all Mega...

Entity Usage

139 people starred this project

This module provides a tool to track entity relationships in Drupal.

Media Remote

31 people starred this project

This module offers a simple mechanism to handle remote URL content (usually from non-OEmbed providers) as Media items in Drupal.

State Machine

63 people starred this project

State Machine Provides code-driven workflow functionality. A workflow is a set of states and transitions that an entity goes through during...

Social Feed

20 people starred this project

Drupal 8 & above Synopsis

Mini Layouts

35 people starred this project

Mini layouts is a spiritual successor to "Mini Panels" for Drupal 8 built on the core Layout Builder module.

Media Library Theme Reset

34 people starred this project

Layout Section Classes

31 people starred this project


Layout Options

44 people starred this project

This module provides a Layout plugin that allows configuration options to easily be added to layouts using YAML files and LayoutOption pl

Layout Builder Styles

91 people starred this project


Layout Builder Modal

89 people starred this project

This module lets you add and configure existing blocks in a modal in the Layout Builder UI.

Layout builder library

69 people starred this project

Overview Provides a layout library allowing content editors to pick from a list of pre-defined layouts.

Layout Builder Customizer

12 people starred this project

Allows user to customize Layout Builder Options.

Layout Builder Component Attributes

64 people starred this project

The Layout Builder Component Attributes module allows editors to add HTML attributes to Layout Builder components (bloc

Layout Builder Browser

41 people starred this project

Enhances the layout builder block selection UX by adding:

Entity Browser Block Layout sandbox

8 people starred this project

UX and CSS improvements to make it easier to use Entity Browser blocks in Layout Builder.

Entity Browser Block

27 people starred this project

This module provides a Block Plugin for every Entity Browser o

Content Synchronization

150 people starred this project

We’ve always had a challenge synchronizing content across Drupal environments.

Entity Share

129 people starred this project

Entity Share is a collection of modules allowing you to share content entities like nodes, taxonomy terms, medias etc.

Rebuild Cache Access

37 people starred this project

This module provides a new permission: rebuild cache access.

Entity Reference with Layout

88 people starred this project

This Module is No Longer Being Maintained

Multi-path autocomplete

4 people starred this project

Multi-path autocomplete (formely known as Menu path autocomplete) changes some input field for entering paths to an...

Amazon SES

7 people starred this project

Module Description


48 people starred this project

This module is a Drupal wrapper/implementation for the Geocoder PHP


105 people starred this project

Drupal advanced integration with the


97 people starred this project

Geofield is an advanced module for storing, managing and representing dynamic Geographic data in Drupal.

Geofield Map

88 people starred this project

Geofield Map is an advanced, complete and easy-to-use Geo Mapping solution for Drupal 8+, based on and fully compatible

Migrate Source CSV

58 people starred this project

The basic Migrate framework went into core for Drupal 8 - but not all of it.

Migrate Tools

88 people starred this project

The Migrate Tools module provides tools for running and managing Drupal migrations.

Menu Import and Export

35 people starred this project

This module helps in exporting and importing Menu Items among cloned sites which is not possible using CMI.

Twitter Entity

8 people starred this project

Introduction Twitter Entity features:

Get Tweets

11 people starred this project

This module provides import tweets through Twitter API by Cron for
