Typed Entity

63 people starred this project

Use Typed Entity as a namespace for your business logic.

AJAX Placeholder

15 people starred this project

The AJAX Placeholder module provides a render element that will defer loading the content to an AJAX request, similar to how lazy builder

Smart Migrate CLI (for Drupal)

3 people starred this project

Smart Migrate CLI overrides Drush ^11 migrate:import command to fix the tiny-tiny nits which slightly degrade its DX:

Link: Fix Absolute URLs

6 people starred this project

Converts URLs saved to link fields to their internal equivalents, which is much safer to deal with than having hardcoded URLs everywhere.

Render Profiler

27 people starred this project

Render Profiler is a development tool to help visualize and debug the render tree and cacheability metadata for a given page,

Twig Capture

12 people starred this project

Enabling this module has no visible effect whatsoever to end users and even developers need to read the compiled twig files to see any ch

Configuration Override Warn

31 people starred this project

Implements the warning message proposed by

Migrate Magician

9 people starred this project

Migrate Magician is a migration toolset for improving migration components of Drupal core- and contrib modules.

Dropsolid Rocketship

42 people starred this project

Dropsolid Rocketship Distribution curated by Dropsolid

Color Thief (dominant color placeholders)

13 people starred this project

This module uses Color Thief to extract the dominant colour fro

Entity Migrate Export

15 people starred this project

Entity Migrate Export (EME) is a Drupal (8|9|10) to Drupal (8|9|10) migration generator tool.

Flexible Views

34 people starred this project

This module adds better usability and some improvements to the Core Views module by providing some new features:

Embed view block

19 people starred this project

It is presently not possible to pass arguments to views block in Drupal 9+.

Multi-value form element

76 people starred this project

Provides a multi-value form element that wraps any number of form elements.

Hook Event Dispatcher

143 people starred this project

This module dispatches events for several Drupal core and module hooks.

Cookie SameSite support

2 people starred this project

Cookie SameSite support customises how session cookie is set and read.

Unit Test Tutorial

1 people starred this project

This repo contains v.


5 people starred this project

Arch is an e-commerce Drupal module. We would like to keep the list of core features of Arch as short as possible.

Layout Paragraphs

213 people starred this project

Layout Paragraphs provides an intuitive drag-and-drop experience for building flexible layouts with

H5P - Create and Share Rich Content and Applications

90 people starred this project

With this module you will be able to create interactive videos, question sets, drag and drop questions, multichoice questions, boardgames

Composite Reference

28 people starred this project

The Composite Reference module allows users to mark entity reference fields as composite.


189 people starred this project

Tome is a static site generator, and a static storage system for content.

Nice DPQ

1 people starred this project

Alternative to Devel's dpq(), with added linebreaks and indentation for readability. Example of a nested query:


95 people starred this project

This module provides all the necessary infrastructure to orchestrate your cache warming processes.

Config Distro

33 people starred this project

Built on the same architecture as Configuration Split, Config Distro provides a framework for managing configuration updates from distrib

Comments Order

17 people starred this project


CKEditor CodeSnippet

48 people starred this project

This module enables the CodeSnippet plugin from CKEditor.com in your WYSIWYG.


7 people starred this project

OpenFed is a general-purpose, multilingual Drupal 7 to Drupal 10 distribution.